Sunday 15 June 2014

Homeschool Mother's Journal: A Devastating Two Weeks

Happy Father's Day! May you all have a wonderfully blessed day! 

In My Life . . . 
Dance Rehearsal and Recital
Alyssa did well during her dance recital performance. I love it when she gets to show her personality in free style mode!

Stressful Situation
My heart is broken. An unfortunate and life changing decision was made that will have a huge impact on my family. I am not yet able to write about it . . . let alone talk about it without crying. I am asking for your prayers at this time in my life. Prayers for what is best.

In Our Homeschool . . . 
Our school days took an unexpected halt after my beautiful niece's visit to our home. Alyssa and I took a much needed break. I also decided that due to the most recent circumstances in our life, that we will need to take most of this summer off or limit the amount of school work we do. This may be difficult for Alyssa, because she wants to continue doing school all summer. We enjoy homeschooling year-round. My daughter will still utilize online programs and we will finish using the review products we have in hand. We'll see what happens. We will, however, spend more time focusing on God's Word.

We are still working through her Spelling You See Americana curriculum books which she truly enjoys. I can't believe she's spelling big words such as Independence and Declaration with ease!
We also recently received Diana Waring's Experiencing History Through Music to review. I am extremely impressed with the products. My daughter put on her cowgirl boots and has been dancing since the package arrived. Music always brings a smile to my daughter's face.

Places We Went
I took Alyssa to see Maleficent. She wasn't scared at all. We both really liked the movie and enjoyed our daughter lunch date at Honey Baked Ham after piano class. We also went in two of her favorite stores in that area Christian Gifts Outlet and Bling.

I'm Praying 
My Daughter and Her Future
Understanding in a Mess of Confusion
That MY Trust and Faith in God's Plan -  Remain Strong
Restful Night
My Future
Educational Decisions

I'm Thinking About
Father's Day
Our Future
The Laws

What I'm Cooked . . . 
Pot Roast and Buttery Homemade Biscuits

What Alyssa's Reading
Circle C Beginnings Series by Susan K. Marlow (5th book)
Rosie and Scamper by Vicki Watson
Meet the Bugs by Mark C. Collins
My Child My Princess by Beth Moore

What I'm Reading
Smart Money Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze
I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson
The Virtuous Life of a Christ-Centered Wife by Darlene Schacht

What I'm Listening To  . . . Music Helps Heal the Heart
Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Homeschool Freebies and Giveaways is hosting a giveaway for Oak Meadow's full curriculum. Be sure to enter for your chance to win a COMPLETE homeschool curriculum package for the grade level of your choice. This would definitely save any homeschool family money and bless their homeschool year. Click on the Oak Meadow link above to learn more about this curriculum.

Projects on My To-Do List
Figure out a Financial and Homeschool Budget Plan
PURGE: Continue Decluttering and Eliminating
Decide on Garage Sale Date or Consignment Drop Off Locations

I will link-up this post at Great Peace Academy Homeschool Happenings, Managing Your Blessings: The Homeschool Mother's Journal, and Weekly Wrap-Up.

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