Wednesday, 23 July 2014

BookLook Review: Smart Money Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze

I’ve always wanted to read one of Dave Ramsey’s books. I jumped on the chance to review the Smart Money Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money book written by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze as soon as I saw it posted on the BookLook bloggers availability list. I knew that I would be a huge fan of his work! I can't remember learning much about money management skills as a child in school or at home. I want to teach my daughter, Alyssa, how to manage her money in hopes to avoid the same financial mistakes my husband and I made in our 15-year marriage. I only wish I had this information in my hands years ago. 

The content in the book is geared towards increasing the financial literacy of our children. It's meant to guide you as you teach your children the skills that will literally CHANGE your financial legacy and their lives as adults. You will hear anecdotes from both Dave and Rachel’s perspectives and memories. They share how these principles were applied to their lives and explain how to implement the strategies into your life. 

About the Authors
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He sold numerous copies of his four New York Times best-selling books including Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. 

Rachel Cruze is a seasoned communicator and presenter who has been speaking to large groups for nearly a decade. She’s the daughter of Dave Ramsey. She uses her knowledge and experiences from growing up in the Ramsey household today to educate America’s students and young adults on the proper ways to handle money and stay out of debt. 
Book Description
Financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey teams up with his daughter, Rachel Cruze, in order to teach parents how to “raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world.” In Smart Money Smart Kids, the authors equip parents to teach their children how to win with money starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving. More challenging issues are addressed such as avoiding debt, paying cash for college without going into debt, creating a wedding budget and plan, and battling discontentment in the second half of the book. Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree. They discuss the principles of good money management for children as well as giving the reader plenty of stories of what life was like for the Ramsey kids. 

My Thoughts
This well-written book presents information in a practical way using a natural, conversational tone. It is a guide that teaches you how to discuss money management skills with your children and teaches you how to train them to handle money at an early age. The book was interesting and packed with insightful references. The 258-page hardcover book contains student budget worksheets for older children which are included at the back of the book. Smart Money Smart Kids is chocked full of useful information that will help parents train their children to make wise financial decisions in the future and to have strong work ethics. I agree with the authors about the importance of teaching these concepts at a young age not only through discussion but by modeling your behaviors and being a good example. Children do learn more from what you DO than from what you SAY. Let them catch you in the act of handling money properly. We really need to practice what we preach with regards to money habits.   

After reading this book, I have gained a much greater understanding of how to teach my daughter to be a good steward of her money. The handy and modifiable suggestions will instill values in her character while teaching her to be financially responsible. I love that the authors tell you it’s better to teach your children how to handle money now while they live at home rather than later when damage has possibly already been done. The ideas presented begin with a more hands-on approach for younger children leading more towards independence as children get older and mature. They give sound and insightful advice making it easy to start your children off on the right foot. The authors emphasize staying out of debt while finding a financial balance. They also explain the importance of teaching your children with grace. I especially appreciate the content found in chapter 10 with regards to parenting after or during a divorce. They encourage parents to remain unified with the goal to teach money smart skills and to cooperate by following the same principles in each household.   

I thought reading a book with two authors would be a bit confusing. This was NOT the case with this book. Each author was identified in bold print before they began writing. They took turns writing in sections. The use of two different fonts in the book (one for Dave’s writing voice and another for Rachel’s writing style) helped me keep track of each author's perspective. Dave definitely presents his ideas in a straightforward, to the point approach while Rachel’s writing style seems more personable as she reveals stories of life growing up as Dave’s daughter. Her stories added in a little humor making the book have a more light-hearted, softer feel. The writing styles of this dynamic duo balanced well with one another.      

First, a concept is clearly introduced and thoroughly explained to the reader. Then, Dave and Rachel organized the suggestions into different age groups. They discuss how to apply that concept into our children’s lives using age-appropriate examples. For instance, they encourage parents to use clear containers with younger children (age 6 and under) as they learn how to save their money. It allows them to see the money grow over time. We are using Dave's clear envelopes from the Financial Peace kit. Children between the ages of 6-13 begin setting financial goals and start saving for a special toy they want. My daughter is currently saving for the Frozen Karaoke CD. Older children between the ages of 14-18 will learn how to save for bigger ticket items such as a used car or college tuition. 

I already started implementing the strategies into our life. A couple months ago, I purchased Financial Peace Junior with intentions to utilize this system with my six-year-old daughter. It sat on the shelf collecting dust. I can happily say that this book has motivated me to begin teaching Alyssa. We recently started the envelope system using her piggy bank money. First, we made a list of age-appropriate chores that she would be willing to do. We categorized each chore as either a “paid commission” chore or a family expectation. I love that Dave uses the term “commission” instead of “allowance,” because it eliminates the idea that children are entitled to a certain amount of money that they expect us to give them each week.

The plan is to give Alyssa the opportunity to diligently work towards earning $5 a week. She’ll decide how much goes into each envelope with a minimum of 10% going in the GIVE envelope. She was fascinated with finding percentages and using them to figure out how much money she will place in each of her envelopes. I remember when I first asked her how much she wanted to give from what she earned - she said 75%. I am glad that she has a generous heart! She’s eagerly budgeting and learning how to handle her money. I am most thankful for having the opportunity to review this book!  

Smart Money Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money can be purchased for $24.99. Amazon is selling the book for $ 17.56.   

Note: All prices are subject to change. 

highly recommend this valuable book to EVERY parent with children ages 18 and younger. This is an absolute must read that I encourage you to read as soon as possible. It will be one parenting resource that you won't regret purchasing. You will be more informed which will enable you to teach your children how to handle money properly. It’s time to bless your children with the knowledge that will help them have a more successful future. I also recommend that you obtain the Financial Peace Junior and use it with younger children. The authors do make several biblical references that you may or may not agree with depending on your Christian beliefs. 

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary, free copy of this book from the publisher as part of the BookLook Book Review Program in exchange for an honest review on my blog. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
I review for BookLook Bloggers

Monday, 21 July 2014

Menu Plan Monday: July 21st, 2014

One of my goals this month is to intentionally work on menu planning. I have a strong desire to save money and reduce the amount we spend on groceries. I believe not deterring from the menu will benefit us greatly. However, I never know what's going to happen on a daily basis. This is our menu plan for this week. Wish me luck!

Breakfast - Cereal and Raspberries
Lunch - Egg Salad Sandwiches with Avocado + Carrots
Dinner - Chicken Fajita Bean Soup and Salad

Breakfast - Fruit and Egg White Smoothies
Lunch - Tuna Melts and Bell Pepper
Dinner - Oven-Baked Fish, Asparagus, and Salad

Breakfast - Scrambled "Green" Eggs and Toast
Lunch - Honey-Baked Ham Date
Dinner - Baked Chicken, Parmesan Zucchini, and Sweet Potatoes

Breakfast - Blueberry Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes
Lunch - Turkey and Cheese Wraps with Carrots
Friday - Chicken Taquitos or Chicken Quesadillas and Brown Rice + Peas

Breakfast - Yogurt Cup and Chocolate Egg White Drink
Lunch - All Natural Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwich with Bell Peppers
Dinner - Cheeseburger Mac and Salad

Breakfast - Oatmeal and Eggs
Lunch - Turkey and Cheese Grilled Sandwich with Mixed Veggies
Dinner - Shrimp Pasta with Broccoli

Breakfast - Banana Nut Muffins and Hardboiled Eggs
Lunch -  Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Tomato Soup
Dinner - Grilled Ribs, Baked Potatoes, and Roasted Asparagus

What other breakfast suggestions do you have to offer? 
Thank you for visiting A Learning Journey! Please share links to your weekly menu plans in the comment section. Have a wonderful day! 

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Saturday, 19 July 2014

Blogging for Books Review: I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook

Blogging for Books recently announced the April release of Sarah Wilson's book I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook. Do you know how much sugar you consume on a daily basis? Did you know many products contain hidden sugars? Are you aware of all of the effects sugar has on your health and well-being?

Author Biography
Sarah Wilson is a qualified Health Coach for the Institute of Integrative Nutrition located in New York. She currently lives in Sydney Australia. The author is also a television host, journalist, and blogger. Read Sarah's story and journey to quitting sugar here.     

Book Description
This 224-page book is a step-by-step program guide offering suggestions and tips for quitting sugar which will hopefully help you lose weight, boost your energy level, and improve your moods. The 8-week program is discussed at the beginning of the book using a week-by-week format. Sarah encourages her readers to try three new recipes from the book each week during her 8-week program. Visit the following link to see sample pages of the book.

What's Covered
  • Start to Cut Back
  • Operation Eat Fat
  • Quit!
  • Face the Demons
  • Get Creative, Experiment . . . and Detox
  • Add Some Sweetness Back In
  • Recovering from lapses
  • Refining and Moving Forward
She includes a "Getting Equipped" section that mentions two notes from the author on how she hates waste and loves efficiency. Her recipes utilize the same core ingredients repeatedly and she wants you to take advantage of the bits and pieces that many individuals tend to toss out. She gives the reader tips on how to create a freezer stash. One tip Sarah offers is that she freezes celery leaves to later use in stock recipes which are included in this book. I have tossed out the ends for years, now I collect them in a freezer bag for later use. The author also includes a short list of kitchen items that she prefers to have on hand. It is NOT an exhaustive or complete list, but is helpful to those wanting a simple start in the program. This book section contains information on how to stock up your pantry with staples that will consistently be used during the program. I have to say, I found this section to be quite insightful. I never realized I could make my own cream cheese and how useful and good chia seeds were for my body. A few other recipes included in this section are homemade ketchup, BBQ sauce, mayo, nut butters, and almond milk. Several of these recipes are also on her blog if you'd like to take a peek.

The back of the book consists of a shopping list, additional resources, and contributors. The shopping list is organized into three categories including pantry, freezer, and fridge items. Sarah also adds in a list of oils, condiments, sweeteners, teas, and baking bits. The list isn't comprehensive, because it doesn't include any fresh produce foods. The additional resources list her social media links and lists places to find hard-to-find ingredients. I had a difficult time finding chia seeds at local stores, but managed to find them at a nearby health store and on line for a reasonable price. I also stocked my pantry with quinoa after finding several packages on sale in the clearance section. I've been reading about the benefits of quinoa and have a strong desire to create recipes using this product. There are definitely a few ingredients that I don't tend to buy such as marcapone cheese, brown rice syrup, coconut and grapeseed oil, unsweetened coconut, almond meal, almond milk, stevia, and chia seeds just to name a few. I am not sure if I will be able to afford these items, but I will take small steps towards eating better using several of the recipes.

The book also contains 108 sugar-free recipes to help you in your journey. The recipes include an ingredient list, method instructions, serving size, and preparation notes. Several recipes include variations and seem easy to prepare. Many of the recipes seem appealing. I haven't tried any yet, but fully intend on doing so this month. My favorite recipe categories are obviously desserts, savory snacks, sweet treats, and breakfast. I can't wait to try the blueberry quinoa crumble, fudgy protein bites, sugar-free nutella, meal-in-a-crackercoco-nutty granola, and chia and quinoa parfait. Ha! Can you tell I am a sugar addict? I head straight to the sweets. Doesn't this Raspberry Ripple look delicious? Sarah tells you how to make it while cutting back on sugar.

Recipes Categories 
  • Breakfast
  • Smoothies and Drinks
  • Healthy Detox Meals
  • Savory Snacks
  • Sugar-Free Kids
  • Sweet Treats
  • Desserts
Overall Thoughts
Her book is organized into bite-sized chunks making it a quick read. The plan appears to be doable and flexible, but you will need to make a consistent effort and remain motivated to complete the program. The book teaches you how to eliminate sugar completely from you diet and later introduces sugar back with healthier substitutes. The variety of recipes included in the book make the idea of quitting sugar seem a little more realistic. I am sure that there will be controversial debates over whether or not sugar makes you fat. However, there are other benefits to quitting or reducing your sugar intake. Sarah does provide the reader with scientific information about the effects of sugar.

I haven't attempted the program yet. I definitely consider myself a sugar addict. I feel like I NEED sugar every single day and my sugar cravings are intense. I always feel tired, moody, and bloated. The information contained in the book was informative and extremely helpful.

The author is personable and inviting as she shares the realities of her experience with quitting sugar in the introduction of the book. She states, "There is a detox period where you will feel like crap." I love the honesty in this statement. She wants you to know ahead of time, that the program is not going to be easy and she's not trying to "sugar" coat it. She wants you to understand that your body will have an adjustment period and that it is normal. Many individuals will be able to relate to her experiences. I also like her viewpoint on using a "lets just see" approach when attempting the detox program.

Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? 

I recommend this book to individuals wanting to improve their health and well-being. Are you looking for a structured program that will help you cut back on sugar? I believe this is a good book to begin with if you are a sugar addict and want to change your lifestyle. Sugar doesn't have to rule over your life! Sarah's modernized book format and knowledge about the topic will encourage and motivate you to make better life choices with regards to which foods you eat. 

The paperback trade book can be purchased for $25.00 at Random HouseAmazon is currently offering the book for $15.81.

Note: Prices are subject to change at any time.

Social Media
Sarah Wilson's Blog
I Quit Sugar Book Store

I received a complimentary, free copy of this book from from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest, unbiased review on my blog. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."  

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Cara close program di windows 8

Kali ini saya akan berbagi sedikit tips tentang cara close program di windows 8. Pada saat menggunakan windows xp ataupun 7, jika ingin keluar dari suatu program, seperti game atau pc setting, tinggal klik tanda x maka akan keluar, kalau di game biasanya ada tulisan exit game, selesai. Di Windows 8 tidak seperti itu. Ada banyak program yang ketika mau di keluarkan, tidak ada tulisan exit ataupun tanda x di samping kanan atasnya.

Pengalaman saya bermain game dari store windows 8, waktu mau keluar gak bisa. Akhirnya saya tekan windows+tab untuk memindahkannya ke desktop lalu menekan Ctrl+shift+delete yang ada di keyboard lalu muncul task manager dan tinggal di end program yang di keluarkan. Setelah cukup lama menggunakan windows 8, akhirnya saya tau caranya close program dari windows8. Berikut caranya.
close program
  1. Pada saat didalam game, tekan windows+tab yang ada di keyboard, untuk memindahkan layar ke desktop.
  2. Selanjutnya arahkan mouse ke samping kiri atas, maka akan terlihat program yang sedang berjalan.
  3. Terakhir klik close, maka program tersebut akan keluar, selesai.
Contoh gambarnya ada di sebelah kiri, itu kotak kecil gambar sapi merupakan game yang sedang saya mainkan, gambar itu muncul pada saat mouse di arahkan ke atas sebelah kiri pada tampilan desktop.

Cara mencari all program di windows 8

Windows 8, tampilan berbeda dengan windows-windows sebelumnya. Di windows xp dan 7, jika ingin mencari all program, kita cukup menekan tombol start yang letaknya disebelah kiri bawah. Maka program yang ada dikomputer kita akan muncul. Di windows 8?? ya sama, kayak gitu juga, cuma tampilannya saja yang berbeda dan sedikit tersembunyi.

Berikut cara mencari all program di windows 8.

  1. Hidupkan komputer/laptop kamu, lalu pada tampilan awal start.
  2. Arahkan mouse ke bawah, akan muncul tanda panah kebawah. Klik tanda panah tersebut, maka all program yang ada diwindows 8 akan keluar.
  3. Selesai.
windows 8Kiri Ini contoh gambarnya pada saat mouse diarahkan kebawah akan ada tanda panah kebawah. Tinggal di klik maka akan keluar semua program-program yang telah diinstal di komputer atau laptop windows8. Dan silakan dicari program apa yang sedang anda cari.

Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel tentang cara mencari all program di windows 8 ini, semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda. Dan silakan baca juga artikel cara close program di windows 8. Untuk tips menggunakan windows 8 lainnya akan saya sambung dilain waktu.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Diana Waring's Experience History Through Music Review

I recently received the newly released, restored, and updated Experience History Through Music 3 Book and CD Set to review as part of the Diana Waring Presents Launch Team. Be sure to read the article title, A Story of Restoration, on Diana's website which discusses the remaking of this these products. We haven't focused a lot of attention on American History this year, but I knew I wanted to expose my daughter to the topics in a fun, engaging way while integrating literature at the same time during the summer months. Experience History Through Music was the answer to our summer learning curricula dilemma. History is not my best subject and this set allowed me to keep things simple yet still make learning effective. Teaching educational concepts using music can definitely help younger children learn more advanced topics.

About the Author
Diana Waring is the author of Beyond SurvivalReaping the Harvest and Diana Waring's History Revealed world history curriculum. She discovered years ago that "the key to education is relationship." Beginning in the early '80s, Diana homeschooled her children through high-school—the real life opportunities to learn how kids learn. Mentored by educators whose focus was honoring Him who created all learners, and with an international background (born in Germany, university degree in French, lifelong student of world history), Diana cares about how people learn as well as what they learn. Audiences on four continents have enthusiastically received her energetic speaking style. Find out more about Diana and her products by reading the author interview recently posted.  
Meet Diana: Highly Energetic and Fun Lovin'
Experience History Through Music is a 3 Book and CD Set Including:
  • America 1750-1890: The Heart of a New Nation 
  • Westward Ho!: The Heart of the Old West 
  • Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder 
    The print book and CD sets allow you to literally "Experience History Through Music" as implied by the product's name. Each title contains one book and one CD. A brief introduction to each book title is included at the beginning of the book. The pages of each book hold numerous black and white historical photos, sketches, or paintings in addition to heartwarming stories that will help you connect each of the songs to that moment in history. The short stories are about 1-2 pages in length. These insights will enable children to understand our history better. The book is divided into two parts. The first part includes the stories and the second half contains sheet music. Information about the authors, photographers, and musicians can be found towards the back of the book with the acknowledgments.

    One of the unique features of each book is that the sheet music with lyrics and chord charts are also included making it easier for children and adults learn the words or play the music. The CD's are professional recordings with amazing vocalists and instrumental sounds that tend to draw in all listeners. The CD's are placed in a plastic sleeve on the back cover keeping everything in one safe place. You'll find sheet music for 13-16 songs on each CD giving you approximately 45-50 minutes worth of high quality music.  

    The two combine for fond memories and a grand, knee-slapping good time. You can't resist tapping your toes while humming or singing along. 

    America – Heart of a New Nation
    From the French and Indian War to the first transcontinental railroad, America is a chronological tour of American history through its music. Enjoy the songs and stories of our past that have been shared from generation to generation—songs that make you laugh, make you cry, and make your patriotic spirit soar.

    The songs in the book, America: The Heart of a New Nation rang in a sense and feeling of familiarity. This familiarity made the songs even more meaningful to my daughter. I remember singing several of these songs to her as a baby and a toddler. I was glad that she had the opportunity to reconnect to the song titles. The ones that stood out the most were "Yankee Doodle," "Star Spangled Banner," "Oh, Susanna," and "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain." We used to have a geography toy that sang the "Star Spangled Banner." Alyssa chimed in as soon as she heard it playing on the CD player. What's your favorite patriotic song?  

    The CD contains 16 classic and patriotic songs:
    • Yankee Doodle 
    • Star Spangled Banner
    • Erie Canal
    • Oh, Susanna
    • Sweet Betsy From Pike
    • All Night, All Day
    • Old Dan Tucker
    • Wade in the Water
    • Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
    • When Johnny Comes Marching Home
    • Shenandoah
    • Got Along L'il Dogies
    • Drill Ye Tarriers
    • Polly Wolly Doodle
    • She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
    • Old Joe Clark
    Westward Ho! – Heart of the Old West
    America's westward expansion is amazingly rich in stories and songs. In Westward Ho!, you will find the pioneer spirit that stirred the hearts of thousands of Americans to leave the safety and comfort of home expressed in folk songs of or about that time. Now you can experience the pioneers' adventures, dangers, joys, sorrows and hopes as you join in and sing along.

    Our favorite book by far was Westward Ho! All of them are great, but the music genre captured our attention. The history behind the stories was indeed fascinating. Did you know that the Homestead Act of 1862 enabled anyone who was at least 21 years of age, the head of a family, a citizen, and who had never borne arms against the U.S. to claim 160 acres of free public land if they agreed to live on that land for 5 years while making improvements? Wow! The houses built on that land were made of sod. The song, Little Old Sod Shanty, opens your eyes up to the realities of life for Plains settlers. I don't think I could handle living with the creatures in my home. I also doubt that I could have dealt with the realities they faced during that time period. I found this factoid to be of great interest. I loved seeing the neat old photographs of the sod house.  

    "Boll Weevil" was a humorous yet historical account explaining the origination of the boll weevil and its invasion on the Texas cotton fields. This song was fun to sing yet informative. It's the little things in life that we don't pay much attention to but later find out they had a big impact on our lives in the past. Here's a video of Alyssa singing part of the silly "Boll Weevil" song. She had a blast singing and dancing to it! 

    Gooey Duck . . . all I can say is WHAT? I never knew this clam creature even existed! After reading the story and singing the song, Alyssa 's interest was sparked. She immediately researched geoducks (gooey ducks) online. She watched several videos and read articles to further enrich the topic. She even learned how to cook a gooey duck. I had to pull her away from the computer. 

    This CD contains the following 14 songs:
    • Apple Picker's Reel
    • Boll Weevil
    • Missionary's Farewell
    • Oh, California
    • Ho! For California
    • San Juan Pig War
    • Chisholm Trail
    • Westward Ho!
    • Home on the Range
    • Little Old Sod Shanty
    • Strawberry Roan
    • Old Settler
    • Gooey Duck
    • Little Cabin in the Cascade Mountains
    Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder 
    The well-loved stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder will come to life all over again as you listen to the songs that were a part of life for the Ingalls and thousands of other pioneering families. Written by William Anderson, noted Laura Ingalls Wilder biographer, the book also includes beautiful photos by internationally known Little House photographer, Leslie A. Kelly.

    The Laura Ingalls Wilder CD introduced us to many songs we've never heard before. It was also the home of a few of our favorite tunes including "Wait for the Wagon," "Pop! Goes the Weasel," "The Old Chariot," and "Sweet By and By."  I can't wait to read aloud the Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prairie book series to my daughter while using this resource. I want to read the history behind the stories and listen to the songs as they are mentioned in each book. I bet it'll bring a new understanding to book series. I am including a video of my daughter singing part of her favorite song, "Wait for the Wagon." Listen to the background to hear a sample of the music on the CD.   

    The CD contains the 13 following songs:
    • Wait for the Wagon
    • Green Grows the Laurel
    • The Old Chariot
    • Buy a Broom
    • Sweet By and By
    • Rock Me to Sleep
    • Buffalo Girls
    • A Railroad Man for Me
    • Beware
    • Pop! Goes the Weasel
    • Oft in the Stilly Night
    • The Girl I Left Behind Me
    • My Sabbath Home
    How We Used Experiencing History Through Music
    I used this product with my six-year-old daughter (Alyssa) as a supplement to our current American History studies. We decided to read up to five stories aloud each day from at least two different books a day. However, we read stories in all of the books each week. You do not have to go in chronological order. You can start reading anywhere in the book. 

    Alyssa wanted to take turns reading the paragraphs. This really helped with keeping her attention. I assisted her with reading the more difficult words. We looked up the dictionary meanings of any unknown words. We read the stories first and played the accompanying CD songs afterwards. After reading the fascinating stories, we danced together while listening to the catchy tunes. We also listened to the music CD's in the car, during our breaks, during art time, or while lapbooking. It wasn't a surprise to me that she chose these CD's to listen to during her free time. We enjoyed the music so much that we played them during chore time. This was Alyssa's idea after reading about workers singing while they work to pass the time. Sure enough . . . my daughter did finish her chores at a faster pace with the music playing.

    Our Thoughts Overall
    We thoroughly enjoyed Diana Waring's approach to learning American History using music and stories. I believe all home educators will appreciate the method, especially those using a Charlotte Mason, Delight-Directed, or Unit Study approach. I can't wait for Diana's American History curriculum to release!!! I bet they will complement the Experience History Through Music set. 

    Furthermore, these products can be used by ALL families regardless of whether they homeschool or not. Why not sneak in a little learning while listening to music? This could easily become a family night activity for individuals who play musical instruments. I wish I knew how to play an instrument. The approach was fun and very engaging. Alyssa and I both learned new information by reading the stories behind the songs. Diana Waring truly awakens the spirit of children and brings history to life. 

    My daughter was motivated to enrich and further investigate the topics discussed in the book. Many times she would run to the computer to research information mentioned in the book. She enjoyed researching information about boll weevils and even completed a research paper on it. Rabbit trail unit studies can include Presidents, Historical Names in History, Pioneer Times, Early Settlers, American Revolution, Civil War, Oregon Trail and Territory, Westward Expansion, Chisholm Trail, California Gold Rush, and more.  

    I can't tell you how many times I caught her singing the words from the songs or humming the tunes. She dressed up in her cowgirl boots and hat on many occasions ready to perform her favorite songs. Slower ballads or lullaby songs were sung into the ear of her teddy bear as she rocked it back and forth. I also heard her humming and passionately singing tunes in the shower. I appreciated the variety of genres recorded on the CD's. The familiarity of several tunes and the rhythm of the music will make you want to get up and dance.    

    We also took the books to her piano teacher and asked her to play a song at the end of her classes just for fun. The notes were too advanced for Alyssa right now, but they definitely gave her something to look forward to and gave her a goal to aim for in the future. 

    Do you like folk music and patriotic songs? This set will help you pass on America's heritage for generations to come! Imagine the lasting childhood memories you can create now while enabling your children to understand America's history better.   

    I truly appreciate the fact that the sheet music was included in the book. However, there were times when my daughter lost her place while following along. She wanted to sing and learn the lyrics without the musical notes. If they ever reprint the series again, I suggest having a separate page for the lyrics making sure they follow along with the song on the CD in addition to having the sheet music accessible to young musicians.

    Special Sale Price for the Month of July 
    You can purchase the complete 3 Book/CD set for only $50 in July. You also have the opportunity to buy each title separately for $18.99 each.

    I HIGHLY recommend ALL of the Experience History Through Music books and CD's for children and adults of ALL ages. The set would complement and supplement ANY American History study or curriculum. It is also a wonderful way to teach music appreciation while integrating history into your day. Younger children can simply listen to the music and sing the songs. Older and advanced children will appreciate the stories. You can always read aloud or summarize the stories for your children too.

    You won't be disappointed in this set! It is of great importance that our children learn American history! I wish I had the opportunity to learn this way as a child. I believe it would have made learning history more fun. You can help teach your child by taking a step forward and utilizing these resources during your day.

    Social Media Links

    Oh and before I say goodbye for the day . . . there's still time to enter the Diana and Friends Experience History Through Music Giveaway. You won't want to miss this one! 

    And . . . Don't miss out on my Encouragement for Homeschool Moms Collection Giveaway! We could all use a little encouragement during our homeschool adventures. 

    Tuesday, 1 July 2014

    Sum, Sum, Summertime!

    After what seemed like the longest winter in the history of winters, Summer has finally arrived.  School's over and everyone is looking forward to some time off from the craziness of the school year.  With warmer weather here, I know people are looking for fun things to do outside to keep their kids cool and occupied.  If you are like me, you want to be able to  Many families go away for the summer or take the summer off from therapy so their kids can get a break and regroup after a long school year.  However, they are always asking me for activities that can be done that will work towards their occupational therapy goals.  I am always quick to tell parents to go to the park and play sports or run around in the sprinklers at the different playgrounds, especially after a long day of camp.  However, there are SO many activities out there that will work on a variety of occupational therapy skills.  The best part is that they can be done with inexpensive toys/supplies and can be done as a whole family.

    One of my daughter's favorite things to do is play in the water.  Whether it be in the water table, running through the sprinkler or watering our plants, it elicits pure happiness.  I look forward to the evenings where we hang out outside after a long day of work, watching her play.  What are some of your family favorite summer activities?

    If you are looking for things to do with your children this summer, here are a handful of summertime activities that you can do that will work on fine motor, visual motor and organizational skills.  It's amazing how easy it is to work on goals/skills but still have fun.  To me, it is most important that kids have fun over the summer.  There are so many pressures on kids during the school year and I am a huge believer in allowing summer to be about having fun.  If you must work on academic stuff, make sure you make it fun and don't put too much pressure on them.  I always find that not only does my own child do better, but the children I work with do as well when the work is hidden from them and it only looks like fun.

    Here are a few of my favorite summer time activities.  I have also included ways to adapt each of them for older/younger children and talk about what kind of occupational therapy skills can be worked on for each of the activities.

    Water Table-water tables are great for keeping kids cool when you don't have access to a pool.  Living in Brooklyn, we don't have a large enough space for a little pool.  However, we have enough space for a water table and it has brought Quinn and many other children in the hood tons of joy!  And if you have your kid put on a bathing suit, they can get just as wet and cooled off as if they were in a pool!

    Depending on what kind of toys you throw into your water table, a variety of occupational therapy skills can be worked on.  For example, throw a bunch of measuring cups in there and you can work on bilateral coordination by filling up one cup from another.  You can take a turkey baster or a water dropper and work on increasing grasp strength by filling up buckets, cups, etc.  You can do the same by putting a bunch of bath toys in there as well.

    There are a variety of water tables out there for purchase.  I prefer the simple one that is pictured above.  If you have a big backyard though, you can get some pretty awesome ones with lots of fancy features.  If you don't feel like spending any money at all, you can create your own water table by taking a large tupperware and filling that with water.  Fill it with some fun toys and let the fun begin!

    Water Balloons-there is nothing more exciting to a kid than throwing a water balloon and watching it explode.  Even better is when that balloon explodes at a target or a person!  A couple of summers ago, I discovered the Pumponator; a balloon pumping station that makes filling water balloons easier for kids!  The best part is that it is perfect for working on improving bilateral coordination skills, increasing upper extremity strength and motor planning/organizational skills!
    The Pumponator is simple for even toddlers to use but still fun for older children.  You fill the container up, pump air into the container, attach the balloon to the nozzle and push the button to fill the balloon with water.

    If you want to make this activity a little more therapeutic, you can work on having kids work on visual motor skills by having them throw the water balloons at targets or have them try to throw them into different buckets.  If you are playing with other kids, have them try throwing it back and forth to each other as many times as they can before dropping it.

    **Side Note:  the Pumponator was invented a couple of years ago by fourth grader, Lexi Glenn.  She became frustrated by how difficult it could be to fill a water balloon using a hose and after finding an old garden sprayer and using it to fill her balloons, invented the Pumponator!

    Make Homemade Ice Pops-nothing says summer (at least in NYC) more than hearing the music from all the ice cream trucks.  We love going up to the ice cream truck and having an occasional treat from them.  Last summer, I blogged about the Zoku Quick Pop Maker.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Zoku, it is an ice pop maker that makes yummy and simple ice pops.  It comes with a bunch of recipes and ideas for you and your child to make together.   You can go traditional or you can be really creative and adventurous.  My daughter likes traditional recipes but I am hoping that we can branch out a bit more this summer!

    While I purchased my ice pop maker, there are a ton of ways to make ice pops without a fancy kit. Some people use ice cube trays and I have seen ice pops made out of small paper cups and a popsicle stick stuck in the middle of it.

    If you have a child who is weary about trying new foods, this could be a fun way to get them involved in the process of trying new foods.  Some people can take advantage of a picky eater by mixing desirable juices with some questionable fruits and making a tasty treat.  Try dropping some fresh fruit into the ice pops as they are freezing to get them to try

    I am a huge fan of cooking, baking, etc. and how many occupational therapy skills can be worked on during this activity.  You can work on executive functioning skills such as sequencing and organizational skills.  While you are measuring ingredients out or cutting fruits up, you can work on bilateral coordination skills.  These are just a couple of skills that can be focused on when making ice pops.

    If you are a fan of Pinterest, be sure to check out some of the millions of different ice pop recipe ideas that are on there.  There are so many fun and interesting ideas out there and many of them are great for your child to do with minimal help from you.

    Chalk Drawing-sometimes kids just want to take a break over the summer.  They don't want to be hassled by working on things like reading, writing and math.  However, there is a way to make practicing writing fun for your kids using sidewalks (driveways if you aren't a city girl like me) and lots of chalk.  For younger kids, you can work on color recognition, matching and drawing simple shapes.  If you have a child who needs to work on coloring, draw a bunch of fun shapes all over the sidewalk or driveway and have them color them in.  Be sure to have the kids color the shapes using the correct colored chalk for an increased challenge.

    For older kids who may need to work on handwriting and letter/number recognition, use chalk and make a game out of it.  You can have children label the pictures they draw or make a hopscotch board to work on writing numbers (added bonus, you can work on improving motor planning and coordination skills).  While you can totally make the traditional hopscotch board pictured here, you can also get really creative and use letters, try drawing different shapes, etc..  If you want to work on improving grasping skills, use smaller pieces of thin chalk instead of the fat chalk.

    If you want to try something new and totally refreshing for the summer, check out this recipe for ice chalk.  Using every day ingredients like water, cornstarch and food dye, you and your child can have loads of fun making chalk that will cool you off at the same time.  This could be a really fun way to work on color recognition for your younger children.  And for those of you who are reading and thinking how messy this will be, you can easily clean up the chalk mess with a hose when you are finished.  I can't wait to try this with Quinn this summer!

    The great thing about each of the activities I have talked about above are that they can be done individually or with friends.  Each of these activities can be equally fun either way!  Sometimes, children can motivate each other to do more challenging things if they have a partner in crime.  Let your children figure out different ways they can play with each of the things mentioned.  I know that some of the best activities for me have come out of listening to ideas from the kids and taking them and making them appropriate for each child.

    Now that you have read about some of my favorite summertime activities, I'd love to hear from you about yours.  Do you have any great activities that you recommend to the families you work with or that you do with your own children that make summer unforgettable?  Please share your ideas with me and my readers.  I am only a click away and love hearing from all of you!  I am sure we would all welcome the chance to introduce new things to our children this summer!