Wednesday 10 December 2014

Christmas Angel Visits Our Home: A Treasured Tradition

We started a new Christmas tradition last year that has become a treasured one in our home. The Christmas Angel leaves golden messages that encourage us to do random acts of kindness or even larger service learning projects. The possibilities are endless! I fell in love with this product as soon as I heard about it on the blogosphere!

Well, she's baaaack! 

We named our Christmas Angel Noelle. She visits us every day. Isn't she beautiful? My daughter adores her and eagerly awaits her visits. I love watching Alyssa search through the house to so that she can read her daily message.

So far . . . Noelle asked us to leave quarters at vending machines and encouraged my daughter to help me with a chore. Alyssa willing put dishes away and volunteered to vacuum. I try to bring Noelle out the first day in December, but things have been a little chaotic around here the last couple months so I wasn't completely prepared. I am keeping things simple this year.

Needless to say . . .  her visit always brings us happiness and joy. I look forward to seeing what other activities she has planned for us this Christmas season.

Visit The Christmas Angel for more information. These are not affiliate links. I just wanted to share this Christ-centered tradition with my readers. It's a great way to inspire your children to give and serve rather than receive. Have fun!

Thank you for visiting a Learning Journey! I hope to hear from you again real soon! 

God bless,

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