Monday, 15 June 2015

BookLook Review - Brave Girls: Faithful Friends written by Jennifer Gerelds

Today I am reviewing Brave Girls: Faithful Friends written by Jennifer Gerelds. It is a small 90-Day Christian devotional paperback book consisting of 135 black and white pages. The book is meant for preteen or tween girls between the ages of 8-13. However, younger girls can benefit from reading it. The devotional is published by Thomas Nelson as part of the Brave Girls series.

A couple months ago, BookLook's Blogger Review Program gave me the chance to review the other book in the series titled, Brave Girls: Better Than Perfect. We also own Brave Girls Bible Stories. We use these resources each morning as part of my daughter's personal Bible study time. I believe that each one of these books are treasured gems that any young girl would appreciate.

Book Summary (According to the Website)
Faithful Friends, forever true . . . hearts together, me and you! From the time they are babies, some little girls reach out to those around them, smiling, laughing, playing, and making friends. Others might find it a little tough. This new Brave Girls devotional features 90 devotions that will reinforce a young girls desire to have friends, to BE a friend, and to help her share her faith with friends of all ages. Just as God is our "Forever Friend," faithful and true, the Brave Girls take readers through these pages, encouraging her to be best friends she can be!
Each Devotion Includes
  • Meaningful Bible Scriptures with References
  • Reflective Daily Friendship Devotionals
  • Short 1-2 Sentence Closing Prayers
Hope, Faith, Glory, Gracie, and Honor (the Brave Girls) teach girls the qualities of a being a good friend to animals, family, and others based on God's desires. They share their ideas for making and keeping friends through interesting stories. They emphasize friendship truths such as "God sometimes uses our friends to correct us" and "There's a reason God gave us one mouth and two ears." The devotional covers proper phone etiquette during conversations. It evens discusses how to throw an awesome slumber party that will please any girl. It covers the planning process and gives pointers or tips on how to be a great host. My daughter will use this information when planning her summer slumber.

Eight Relevant Topics Addressed
  • God is My Best Friend
  • Bible Friends
  • Critter Chat
  • Friendship Starters
  • Friendship Fixers
  • Friends at Home
  • Quizzing the Night Away
  • Friendship Fun Zone
My Thoughts
The beautiful, colorful cover featuring the 5 "Brave Girl" friends who are from different ethnicities is eye-catching. The well-organized format or layout is easy-to-read. The devotionals can be read in any order, but I would create a tracking sheet to mark off the days that are read. Children may need a dictionary or parent nearby to explain the meanings of a few larger words mentioned. 

We both loved the chapter on Critter Chats. The Critter Chat chapter relates the content to one of God's amazing animals such as "Copy Cat (kittens)," Puppy Love (puppies), "Eagle Eye (eagles)," and "Winging It (geese)" Animal lovers will adore this section. "Copy Cat" teaches a lesson by referring to lessons a mother cat teaches her kittens. It reminds children to obey and model examples of good behavior taught by a parent. They must listen to their rules which will help them grow strong in the Lord.

Friendship Fixers is another chapter we enjoyed. The Bible Scripture verse references are encouraging and helpful during any tough situation. The problem-solution scenarios will help children know what to do in sticky or uncomfortable situations. My daughter said that her absolute favorite devotional was the first one titled, "Better Than Best," because it reminded her that when you feel alone God is always with you and is your best or closest friend. Another chapter emphasizes Bible characters that maintained good friendships and other Bible characters who didn't display good friendship qualities. Children can learn from the mistakes and successes of these characters.

This relationship building book contains verses to memorize and topics that are age-appropriate which address real-life situations. The topics can be easily applied to life. The book will help the social and emotional well being of your child giving them a balanced outlook on life and friendships. The pertinent messages are ones girls should hear before their teen years. It addresses a variety of difficult friendship topics from a Christian viewpoint. The devotions are short 1-2 page readings which share examples of good choices to make in life.

There are engaging and interactive activities provided in the book such as word searches, drawing fun, problem-solution scenarios, journaling notes, fill-in the blanks, thought-provoking questions, quizzes, and a scheduling activity. The contents of the book reinforces their faith in God and gives young girls practical advice on how to develop healthy friendships. I love that the series encourages girls to be and act brave in today's society.

This was an easy read for my 7 1/2 year old daughter to use independently. It is also a devotional with a clearly understood message that a mother and daughter could do together discussing personal experiences and key points each day. The conversational, personable writing style of the book will capture the attention of your tween girl. This devotional would be beneficial to families, small church groups, or Bible study groups. It would make a great Christmas, Birthday, or Easter gift for a special girl in your life.  

Do you want your little girl to develop strong, long-lasting, Godly friendships?
Consider this devotional as a starting point or guide. 

Price: Retails For $7.99
Faith Gateway Store Currently on Sale for $5.59
Amazon $5.51 (on sale)

Note: All prices are subject to change without notice.

I received a complimentary, free copy of this book from the publisher as part of the BookLook Blogger Review Team Program in exchange for an honest review on my blog. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

I review for BookLook Bloggers

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