Friday 4 September 2015

Random Five on Friday: September 4th, 2015

I am participating in the Pebble Pond's Random 5 on Friday Linky. I probably won't have pics this week due to the recent move. Here's what I am thinking about today.

1.) I do NOT have a green thumb. Emphasis on the not.

2.) I miss my baby girl. The house is so quiet without her home. Counting down the days and hours until I can see her again.

3.) I didn't declutter enough for the new house. I have boxes and boxes of stuff to go through, sell, and donate. :(

4.) It's nice having neighbors especially ones you like. I miss the country, but this will be a good change for Alyssa and I. Everyone here is so sweet and helpful.

5.) I am surrounded by boxes!!!!!! Maybe I should make Alyssa a box troll costume. Ha Ha Ha!

The Pebble Pond

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