Saturday 19 December 2015

G is for Gingerbread House Christmas Tradition

This week the Blogging Through the Alphabet letter focus was "G." I decided to post about Alyssa's gingerbread house.
Hard at work! 
This particular house came from Walmart. The box provided us with a link to an online tutorial on how to set it up which would be especially handy if your children were assembling them on their own. The kit included everything needed to make a gingerbread house. We added a few more types of candy to the plate. I have to say . . . I wish gingerbread kits came with two icing tubes. There's almost never enough to complete the project. But, we made it work and she had fun!

I helped my daughter set it up and she decorated it 15-20 minutes later after it hardened. Next year we may have a gingerbread house contest. I think we could get other families or friends involved too.

Every year we decorate gingerbread houses as a Christmas tradition after reading Mortimer's Christmas Manger written by Karma Wilson. This is ONE of my FAVORITE books to read every year. We also set up our nativity on this day. At the end of the story, Mortimer finds a little house just his size to move into which is why we do this awesome activity. We also read the Gingerbread Mouse by Katy Bratun.
The gumdrop candy wouldn't stay on . . .
so we switched them out later
Beautiful job Alyssa! 
This kit also included two gingerbread men.

I hope you enjoyed visiting A Learning Journey. I will link this post up at Blogging Through the Alphabet, Tots and Me Wordless Wednesday, and Virtual Fridge.

Virtual Fridge Link Up

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