Wednesday 9 March 2016

S is for Spanish Suitcase

Alyssa loves learning Spanish. I wanted to share an activity we completed this week. It's an Interactive Suitcase. She's learning about clothing and accessories (La Ropa y Accesorios).

She cut and assembled her suitcase using a brad to hold it together at the top. Her task was to draw and number clothing articles inside her suitcase. Then, she made a corresponding numbered list. She tried color-coding them so I could find and match them up easier. She titled her suitcase, "La Maleta de Alyssa."

The activity was found on Teachers Pay Teachers for FREE. So, if your children are learning Spanish you may want to check it out.

I will link this post up at Year Round Homeschooling's Hearts for Home Blog Hop. I will also link it up at Through the Calm and Through the Storm's Blogging Through the Alphabet Linky. This week we are all sharing "Letter S" posts. 

I hope you enjoyed visiting A Learning Journey! Come back again soon. :)

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