Monday, 4 April 2016

BookLook Blogger Review - I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God by Diane Stortz; Illustrated by Diane Le Feyer

I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God written by Diane Stortz is the most recent book I selected from the BookLook Blogger program to review, because we were in need of a new devotional. It contains 40 Bible Stories, Devotions, and Prayers About the Names of God. The 224-page colorful book is illustrated by Diane Le Feyer and published by Tommy Nelson. This hardcover children's devotion is suitable for children ages 4 to 8. As children read and learn more about God; they'll discover his love for them.

The textured cover of the glittery book is absolutely beautiful and sparkling. It makes me think of God's light shining in our hearts and life. The book contains brightly animated and detailed illustrations within the pages that you'll surely adore and appreciate. 

The four-page Table of Contents precedes A Letter to Parents. The book addresses stories from BOTH the Old and the New Testament. The Bible stories begin with Genesis and end with Revelation. Each page features one of the names of God with a pronunciation guide for more difficult names followed by the story title.

A referenced scripture is indicated at the top of the page. A Bible story related to the verse helps the reader apply the newfound knowledge to their life. A Biblical truth or main idea is provided in a light purple banner on the page. For example, on page 128-129 the scripture verse is Luke 5:31-32 (ICB) which states "It is the sick who need a doctor . . . I have come to invite sinners to change their hearts and lives!" The translations for the scripture verses and passages referenced vary. The related Biblical truth stated in the banner is "Jesus heals and forgives." The Bible story titled Great Physician: Up, Down, Up was about four men in Capernaum who lowered their paralyzed friend down on a mat through the roof of a house where Jesus was staying to be healed. Jesus asked the man to get up, pick up his mat, and go home after telling them he had authority to heal and forgive sins. The Devotion for the day consist of approximately 2-4 pages in length. A corresponding Prayer concludes the devotion. In the case of the story above, the prayer was "Dear God, thank you for Jesus, our Great Physician. I'm glad He knows how to make me well. Amen." My 8-year-old daughter will most likely read aloud each prayer every day with me.

On the next page, a What Does It Mean section explains the story in age-appropriate terms for children. There is a Learn More feature which enables the child to dig deeper into Bible scripture in relation to the specific truth being discovered. An additional referenced Bible verse and story are given to explore each particular name of God further. The book referred us to Matthew 8:14-15 to read another account of God's healing work. What Happened Next? helps the reader visualize the story during a specific time period. It summarizes the events that follow next in the story.

The author explains in the book that some Bible names for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit may also be descriptive titles. Several of the names taught and featured are Great Physician, Son of God, Teacher (Rabbi), Cornerstone, I Am, Jehovah Jireh, Immanuel, Creator, The Lord My Rock, Holy One, Bread of Life, Logos, Abba, and Messiah.  Learning the different names or references of God will bring us closer to Him. They tell us all something about his character (who he is), what He is like, and what He does. The book teaches children how vast God's love is and how much He cares for us all. By reading this book, you can develop a deeper understanding of God and his character. 

Our love has grown for God and will continue to grow over time. The foundation of the book is based on a scripture Psalms 9:10 which states, "Those who know your name put their trust in you." As you study God's name you'll know Him better and become closer to God spiritually placing all trust in Him and His Word. 

The names of God and the stories in this book will reveal a lot about His character. The author's hope is that children around the world will develop an understanding of God's character, learn to know him better, and grow to love Him more. This is the reason the book was written.

You'll find a few adult and middle grade resources for Learning More about the Names of God at the back of the book. The book also includes a green bookmark ribbon to save your place.

What I Like 
  • Short Devotions
  • Biblical Accuracy
  • Teaches the Names of God
  • Pronunciation Help
  • Relevant and Meaningful Prayers
  • Digging Deeper in the Bible to "Learn More"
  • Stories Told from Both Old and New Testament
  • Age-Appropriate Explanations
  • Diane Stortz Website Book Resources (Matching Game and Coloring Pages)
  • High-Quality Vibrant and Beautiful Illustrations
    I highly recommend this well-written book to Christian families wanting to explore the Names of God. We plan on using this devotion in the morning before beginning our school day.

    The strong, spiritual message is given in a clear and concise manner that children can easily understand. Diane Stortz, the author, distinctly presents the names of God which is the core message yet she weaves in an additional profound message that stands out with regards to God's plan to send Jesus who will make things right again.

    I definitely think this devotion would make a GREAT Christmas or Easter gift. I know we explore the names of God during those holidays in my home. This book was included in my daughter's Easter basket this year. It would be perfect for any family or Sunday school class learning about the Names of God. A teacher could also read aloud and discuss the devotion at the beginning of class.

    Thomas Nelson Website Store $16.99
    Amazon $11.21

    Note: All prices are subject to change without notice.

    Would you like to see a sample. Click on the link. 

    I received a complimentary, free copy of this book from the publisher as part of the BookLook Blogger Review Gold Team Program in exchange for an honest review on my blog. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
    I review for BookLook Bloggers

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