Saturday, 30 November 2013

Cara membuat tombol sosial media share diblog

Cara membuat sosial media share, seperti facebook, google+, twitter dan lain2nya diblog. Tombol sosial media share dapat kita tempatkan dibawah judul posting atau dibawah posting. Dan dapat juga ditempatkan diwidget HTML/javascript di bagian sidebar blog.
Cara membuat tombol sosial media share
Cara membuat sosial media share di blog, ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
  1. Login ke blog, lalu pilih pengaturan Template.
  2. Klik edit HTML dan cari kode </head> lalu masukan kode berikut ini diatasnya.
  3. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({onhover:false , doNotHash: true, doNotCopy: true, hashAddressBar: false});</script>
  4. Save template. Selesai.
Setelah menempatkan kode script. Sekarang kita akan coba memasukan kode share di bagian2 blog, seperti di bawah judul posting, diwidget sidebar atau dibawah posting blog. Silakan dipilih salah satu. Caranya seperti dibawah ini.
Sosial media share dibawah judul posting
  1. Ke pengaturan template, klik edit hmtl dan cari kode <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
  2. Kode <div class='post-header-line-1'/> ada 2,  piih yang nomor 2 lalu masukan kode share button ini dibawah nya.
  3. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <p align='left' class='kode-share-buttons'>
    <keterangan>Bagikan Artikel >>></keterangan>
    <span class='st_facebook_hcount' displayText='Facebook'/>
    <span class='st_plusone_hcount' displayText='Google +1'/>
    <span class='st_twitter_hcount' displayText='Tweet'/>
    <span class='st_pinterest_hcount' displayText='Pinterest'/>
    <span class='st_digg_hcount' displayText='Digg'/>
    <span class='st_stumbleupon_hcount' displayText='StumbleUpon'/>
    <span class='st_fblike_hcount' displayText='Facebook Like'/>
  4. Silakan gunakan kode share yang kalian inginkan, dan untuk tulisan Bagikan Artikel >>> Kamu bisa ganti dengan kata yang kamu inginkan. Setelah itu save template, selesai.
Sosial media share dibawah posting
  1. Ke pengaturan template, klik edit hmtl dan cari kode <data:post.body/>
  2. Kode <data:post.body/> ada 3,  piih yang nomor 3 lalu masukan kode share button dibawah nya.
  3. Kode kode share button yang digunakan sama seperti kode Sosial media share dibawah judul posting
  4. Save template, selesai.
    Sosial media share di widget atau sidebar
    1. Kepengaturan tata letak, Klik Tambahkan widget/gadget > HTML/Javascipt.
    2. Lalu masukan kode share button yang digunakan sama seperti kode Sosial media share dibawah judul posting
    3. Save gadget/widget, lalu tempatkan sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan, selesai.
    Dan yang terakhir adalah menambahkan  kode css untuk menambah tampilan dari tombol sosial media share. Caranya.
    1. Kepengaturan TATA LETAK. Klik desainer template > tingkat lanjut > tambahkan css. Lalu masukan kode ini kedalmnya.
    2. .kode-share-buttons{border-top:1px dashed #ccc;border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc;padding: 10px;}
      keterangan {color:#000;font-weight:bold;margin-right:20px;}
    3. Terapkan ke blog selesai.
    Semoga Bermanfaat.

    Friday, 29 November 2013

    Cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah

    Tutorial kali ini saya akan coba bagikan tips dan trik tentang cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah, menggunakan program microsoft office PowerPoint. Icon atau lambang gambar biasanya digunakan untuk logo website atau blog, ada juga untuk icon disebelah tulisan menu, bahkan digunakan juga sebagai menu.

    Contohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini:

    Cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah
    Cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah
    Cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah

    Gambar diatas adalah hasil dari pembuatan icon di PowerPoint, yang disave dalam format PNG, agar background icon tetap transparant. Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang cara pembuatan icon di microsoft PowerPoint. Ikuti langkah - langkah dibawah ini.
    1. Silakan buka program PowerPoint. Lalu pilih bagian Insert.
    2. Selanjutnya pilih tulisan Shape dan pilih bentuk gambar yang kita inginkan.
    3. Setelah gambar nya sudah ada, klik gambar tersebut dan pilih Format dibagian atas bar powerpoint.
    4. Lalu edit gambar itu sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.
    5. Untuk menyimpan gambar, klik Kanan gambar tersebut dan pilih Save as picture lalu save dalam format PNG. Selesai.
    Contoh gambar icon yang saya buat. Icon pertama menggunakan satu gambar awan dan Icon kedua menggunakan 2 gambar gambar awan dan matahari.

    Cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah

    Cara membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah

    Untuk membuat icon dengan 2 gambar, silakan buat 2 gambar di powerpoint, lalu blok ke 2 gambar setelah itu baru Save As Picture. Selesai. Jika kamu ingin menggunakan icon dengan ukuran yang sama, kamu bisa gunakan photoshop, caranya bisa dilihat di artikel cara membuat icon untuk website.

    Untuk mencoba hasil gambar yang telah kamu buat diblog. Kamu bisa baca artikel mengganti tulisan beranda posting lama baru yang letaknya dibawah posting dengan gambar. Tapi sebelumnya upload terlebih dahulu gambar kamu ke blog dan ambil urlnya, caranya baca di cara upload dan ambil url gambar.

    Itulah sedikit tips dan trik dari saya dalam membuat icon sendiri dengan mudah menggunakan program microsoft office PowerPoint yang dapat digunakan untuk mendesain icon blog atau website anda sendiri. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

    Thursday, 28 November 2013

    Cara merapikan tulisan hasil copi internet

    Cara merapikan tulisan hasil copi internet di microsoft word dengan menggunakan program notepad. Jika kita mencopi tulisan dari internet/website atau blog orang, lalu langsung kita pastekan ke microsoft word. Maka format tulisan dari internet pun akan ikut masuk ke microsoft word. Seperti contoh gambar dibawah ini. Sebelum dan sesudah dirapikan.

    Cara merapikan tulisan hasil copi internet

    Dari gambar diatas kita bisa melihat, tulisan hasil copian internet jika langsung kita pastekan di microsoft word, maka tulisan aslinya pun akan ikut ke microsoft word. Berbeda dengan hasil copian internet jika sudah di pindahkan ke program notepad, lalu baru kembali ke microsoft word. Maka format tulisan akan sama yaitu format font Calibri dengan ukuran 11, tidak ada format lain. Sehingga memudahkan kita untuk merapikannya. 

    Langsung saja kebagian utama. Cara merapikan tulisan hasil copi internet.
    1. Pertama, silakan copi tulisan yang ada diinternet. Diwebsite atau diblog orang. Selanjutnya pastekan di Microsoft word.
    2. Dari hasil copian di microsoft word, copi tulisan yang akan dirapikan.
    3. Lalu pastekan ke program Notepad(Start > All Program > Accessories > Notepad)
    4. Setelah itu copi tulisan yang ada dinotepad, dan pastekan kembali ke Microsoft Word. Selesai.
    Kekurangan dari format ini adalah notepad tidak membaca gambar, jadi yang terbaca hanya tulisan saja. Bagaimanapun bentuk format tulisan dari sebuah tulisan, jika sudah masuk ke notepad. Maka tulisan tersebut akan berformat font Calibri ukurannya 11. Jadi istilahnya notepad ini gunannya untuk menetralisir format tulisan. 

    Memang tidak sepenuhnya rapi, masih harus dirapikan sendiri tulisan di microsoft word. Tapi setidaknya format2 tulisan yang berwarna-warni dari link2 blog orang akan hilang. Jadi tidak harus mengganti warna link satu persatu dimicrosoft word. Semoga Bermanfaat.

    Wednesday, 27 November 2013

    Cara membuat background warna transparan

    Background warna transparan, yang berarti background dengan menggunakan warna transparan, tetapi background aslinya juga terlihat. Jadi background awal juga terlihat, misalkan background awal kita menggunakan gambar, dan background warna transparan kita warnanya hitam. Maka warna transparan hitam dengan background gambar juga akan terlihat.

    Cara membuat background warna transparan

    Seperti contoh gambar diatas,background dasar yang digunakan adalah background gambar, dan background trasnparanya berwarna hitam. Tapi warna hitam tersebut tidak sepenuhnya hitam. Sedikit hitam dan background gambar awalnya tetap terlihat. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kode warna background yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat background warna transparant.

    background:rgba(0,0,0, 0.3);
    background:rgba(0,0,0, 0.8);
    Sebelumnya saya jelaskan sedikit tentang kode diatas.
    • Ketiga kode awal digunakan untuk mengatur kode warna. kode warna 0,0,0 adalah warna dasar Hitam.
    • Untuk kode terakhir 0.3 dan 0.8 digunakan untuk mengatur ketebalan dari warna hitam 0,0,0 tadi. Semakin besar kode terakhir, maka akan semakin hitam. Kode terakhir ini hanya sampai kode 1. Contoh:0,0,0, 1.
    Untuk mengganti dengan warna lain, kamu bisa coba kode dibawah ini.

    Untuk warna merah - background:rgba(204,0,0, 0.6);
    Untuk warna pink - background:rgba(204,0,204, 0.8);
    Untuk warna biru - background:rgba(0,0,204, 0.8);
    Untuk warna Hijau - background:rgba(0,204,0, 0.8);
    Untuk warna Kuning - background:rgba(204,204,0, 0.8);
    Untuk warna Orange - background:rgba(255,102,0, 0.8);
    Dan masih banyak lagi warna yang lainnya. Untuk melihat kode warna, kamu bisa lihat diphotoshop, lalu klik pada bagian set foreground color(gambar kotak untu ganti warna). Lalu lihat kode pada bagian RGB nya.

    Cara membuat background warna transparan

    Seperti contoh gambar diatas, pertama klik dulu bagian kotak yang sudah saya beri tanda merah sebelah kiri, maka akan terbuka Color Picker, dan copi 3 kode RGB yang bertanda kotak merah itu untuk digunakan diwebsite.
    Dan yang terakhir adalah cara penerapannya di blogger. Sebagai contoh kita akan coba mengedit pada bagian halaman posting blog. Caranya ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
    1. Login ke blogger, pada halaman Dasbor pilih pengaturan Tata Letak.
    2. Selanjutnya klik Desainer Template > Tingkat Lanjut > Tambahkan Css. Dan masukan kode halaman posting ke dalamnya.
    3. .post{border:1px solid #ddd; background:rgba(0,204,0, 0.5);}
    4. Dan lihat perubahannya, background nya itu saya beri warna hijau, dengan ketebalan warna 0.5 hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini.
    Cara membuat background warna transparan

    Untuk mengatur bagian lainnya, coba kamu baca di artikel cara mengganti background blog dengan gambar. Disana ada beberapa kode bagian blog yang dapat kamu gunakan. Semoga Bermanfaat.

    Tuesday, 26 November 2013

    Keep Those Little Turkeys Busy This Thanksgiving!

    Here's wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving.  And for those of you who celebrate Hanukkah, may it be a joyous one.

    I am thankful for all of you for reading and following my blog.  I hope that I have been able to add some fun to your lives with my suggested toys, games and apps.  

    As Thanksgiving day approaches, I know we are all busy planning our meals and getting ready for friends and family to come and spend the day with us.  Need something to keep your little turkeys occupied while prepping for the Thanksgiving Feast?  Here are a few activities that you can easily prepare for them before hand
    Instead of using this picture, use blank card
    stock and have them write a name and add
    a Thanksgiving sticker

    1.  Thanksgiving Placecards-Do you have a child who needs to work on handwriting?  Put them in charge of making the Thanksgiving placecards.  Provide them with a list of names to copy and some stickers to decorate the placecards with.  
    *works on improving graphomotor, grasping, visual perceptual and organizational skills.  Better than all that though is how proud your little one will feel when they look around the table and see everyone sitting behind the placecard they created especially for them

    2.  Create a Thanksgiving Thankful Tree-have your kids cut out leaves (that you have already drawn out on construction paper) and have them write down what they are thankful for.  Give your children the job of going around to all of your guests and having them write down what they are thankful for as well.  Using Crayola Window Markers, draw a tree on a large window or a glass door and have your children tape them on the tree.  
    *works on improving graphomotor, grasping, visual motor/perceptual skills, improves speech and language skills (asking people to fill out their leaves) and improves organizational skills

    I love this traditional hand Thanksgiving
    turkey....brings back so many
    early memories 
    3.  Handprint Thanksgiving Turkey-I vividly remember this arts and craft project from my childhood and since becoming an OT, I have done it with my kids at work year after year.  Depending on the age and skill level of the child, I change the expectations.  For my younger children, I will trace their hand and assign a color for each finger/feather.  For my older children, I make they trace their own hand and then figure out what colors they want to use.  They can cut the handprint and then glue it onto a piece of paper.  If you have a houseful of guests coming and need your little ones occupied for a bit, give them each a handful of names and ask them to make them special holiday cards that they can hand out to your guests as they arrive.
    *works on fine motor, coloring, cutting, graphomotor, bilateral coordination and visual motor/perceptual skills

    I love these napkin rings made from empty
    toilet paper tubes.  They use buttons but you can
    use any odds and ends kind of materials to
    make something special for your guests.
    4.  Homemade Napkin Rings-if you have some empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls lying around, reuse and recycle them to make some homemade napkin rings for your Thanksgiving table.  The possibilities are endless and you can let your children's imagination run wild by providing them with the correct supplies.  Use stickers, markers, buttons, glue, tissue paper, etc. to create unique and special napkin rings for each of your guests.
    *works on improving fine motor, grasping, graphomotor, bilateral coordination and visual motor/perceptual skills.  Again, your children will feel so proud when they look around that table filled with all the people they love

    Again, I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy holiday season.  I can already feel the excitement in all of the children I work with and look forward to the upcoming weeks.  Do you have any wonderful holiday craft ideas to share with me or my readers?  I know we are all looking for ways to keep our kids involved in the holiday season and would love to hear from my readers with any ideas they would like to share with me.  I am just a click away and can't wait to test out some of the great ideas you have!

    Cara buat kotak bayangan diblog

    Cara membuat kotak bayangan diblog. Maksudnya adalah kita dapat membuat bayangan pada kotak yang ada diblog seperti pada bagian sidebar, posting, header dan juga pada bagian lain-lainnya. Contoh kotak bayangan seperti dibawah ini.

    Untuk cara menerapkannya ke blog, kita coba edit pada bagian sidebar blog yang ada disebelah kanan/kiri blog. Caranya ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.

    1. Login keblogger, lalu kepengaturan Tata Letak.
    2. Selanjutnya klik Desainer Template > Tingkat lanjut > Tambahkan Css. Dan masukan kode ini kedalamnya.
    3. .sidebar .widget {box-shadow: 0px 15px 15px #1780dd;}
    4. Maka hasilnya akan seperti contoh kotak bayangan diatas.
    5. Dan klik Terapkan ke blog, untuk menyelesaikan editan.

    Berikut ini beberapa contoh kode box-shadow atau kotak bayangan yang dapat anda gunakan diblog.

      box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #1780dd;

      box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px#1780dd;

      box-shadow: -5px -5px #1780dd;

      box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px;

      box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px 5px #1780dd;

      Silakan dicoba sendiri diblog anda, dengan menggunakan kode2 diatas. Untuk mengedit pada bagian yang lain silakan baca artikel cara mengganti blog dengan gambar atau cara membuat tulisan bayangan diblog disana ada kode2 bagian dari blog, yang dapat anda gunakan juga untuk diedit. Itulah sedikit cara mendesain blog menggunakan kode box-shadow atau kotak bayangan yang dapat digunakan diblog. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

      Monday, 25 November 2013

      Cara membuat background gradient 2 warna

      Background gradient fungsinya untuk membuat background warna dengan menggunakan 2 warna sekaligus, dengan perbandingan persen disetiap warnanya. Jadi misalkan kita ingin menggunakan warna putih dan biru dibackground blog kita. Maka kita dapat mengatur warna putih dibagian atas dan warna biru dibagian bawah. Berbeda dengan pengaturan warna biasa yang hanya satu warna.Contoh penggunaannya seperti dibawah ini.

      Background 1 warna dengan menggunakan warna biru.

      Warna Biru Saja

      Background 2 warna dengan menggunakan warna biru dan putih.

      Warna Biru dan Putih

      Selanjutnya adalah cara membuat dan menerapkannya diblog. Sebagai percobaan kamu bisa coba edit warna background dari halaman posting blog. Ke pengaturan tata letak > klik Desainer Template > Tingkat Lanjut > Tambahkan Css. Dan masukan kode background posting berikut kedalamnya.
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #ffffff 40%, #1780dd 100%);}
      Lalu lihat perubahan background halaman posting, warna putih akan berada diatas dan biru ada dibagian bawah.

      Berikut jenis2 pengaturan warna gradient 2warna yang dapat kita gunakan.

      Atas - Bawah
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(top , #ffffff, #1780dd);

      Kiri - Kanan
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(left , #ffffff, #1780dd);

      Warna Berhenti putih-biru-putih-biru-putih
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(left , #ffffff, #1780dd, #ffffff, #1780dd, #ffffff);

      Warna Berhenti putih-biru-putih-biru-putih dengan persen%
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(left , #ffffff, #1780dd 5%, #ffffff, #1780dd 95%, #ffffff);

      Warna putih dikiri-kanan dan biru ditengah
      background: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, #1780dd, #ffffff);

      Posisi dan Ukuran
      background: -moz-radial-gradient(80% 20%, closest-corner, #1780dd, #ffffff);
      Ukuran: 80% untuk warna putih dan 20% untuk warna biru
      Posisi: closest-corner pada bagian atas bisa diganti dengan kode
      Silakan berkreasi sendiri, dengan kode2 diatas dalam mendesain blog anda agar terlihat lebih menarik. Untuk cara penggunaan dibagian lain, seperti pada bagian header, sidebar atau keseluruh body halaman blog, kamu bisa baca di artikel cara mengganti background blog dengan gambar diartikel itu, ada kode dari bagian2 blog, yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk diberi background 2 warna seperti contoh diatas.
      Catatan: Gradient 2 warna ini tidak bisa dilihat di browser google chrome, sebabnya saya belum tau, jika sudah tau saya akan tambahkan di artikel ini, untuk di mozilla bisa, warna gradient 2 warna terlihat.Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

      Sunday, 24 November 2013

      Menu gambar dengan posisi sembarangan

      Menu gambar dengan posisi sembarangan. Maksudnya adalah membuat menu menggunakan gambar, dengan posisi gambar yang tidak beraturan. Gambar bisa ditempatkan diatas, bawah, kanan, kiri sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan. Contohnya seperti dibawah ini.

      • kumpulan Tutorial Desain Blogger
      • kumpulan Tips dan Trik Blogspot
      • Fandra Juani Contact
      • Daftar Tutorial Desain Blog
      • profil fandra juani

      Cara membuatnya, ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.

      1. Login ke blogger, dari halaman dasbor pilih pengaturan tata letak.
      2. Dan klik Tambahkan Gadget di bawah header atau disidebar. Dan pilih HTML/Javascript.
      3. Selanjutnya copi kode HTML dibawah ini, dan pastekan didalam Gadget HTML/Javascript tadi.
      4. <div id="satu1">
        <li><a href="URL Menu"><img src="URL dari Gambar" /></a></li>

        <div id="dua2">
        <li><a href="URL Menu"><img src="URL dari Gambar" /></a></li>

        <div id="tiga3">
        <li><a href="URL Menu"><img src="URL dari Gambar" /></a></li>

        <div id="empat4">
        <li><a href="" title="Daftar isi"><img alt="Daftar Tutorial Desain Blog" height="74" src="" title="Daftar isi" width="133" /></a></li>

        <div id="lima5">
        <li><a href="URL Menu"><img src="URL dari Gambar" /></a></li>
      5. Selanjutnya, simpan HTML/Javascript.
      Keterangan kode:
      • Silakan isi URL Menu dengan URL/Halaman web anda.
      • Silakan isi URL dari Gambar dengan URL dari gambar anda.
      • Contoh URL bisa dilihat di div id="empat4

      Setelah itu ke tahap pengaturan posisi gambar, caranya klik Desainer Template(masih pada pengaturan Tata Letak). Lalu Klik Tingkat Lanjut > Tambahkan Css. Dan masukan kode CSS dibawah ini kedalamnya.

      #satu1{background:transparent;margin:-10px 0px 0px -100px;float:left;}
      #satu1 ul{list-style:none}

      #dua2{background:transparent;margin:-40px 0px 0px 0px;float:left;}
      #dua2 ul{list-style:none}

      #tiga3{background:transparent;margin:-10px 0px 0px 0px;float:right;}
      #tiga3 ul{list-style:none}

      #empat4{background:transparent;margin:40px -390px 0px 0px;float:right;}
      #empat4 ul{list-style:none}
      #empat4 img{position:relative;-moz-transition:all .4s ease-in-out;-ms-transition:all .4s ease-in-out;-o-transition:all .4s ease-in-out;-webkit-transition:all .1s ease-in-out;transition:all .4s ease-in-out}
      #empat4 img:hover{-o-transform:scale(1) rotate(720deg);-moz-transform:scale(1) rotate(720deg);-webkit-transform:scale(1) rotate(720deg)}

      #lima5{background:transparent;margin:-40px -160px 0px 0px;float:right;}#lima5 ul{list-style:none}

      Keterangan Kode:

      • margin:40px -390px 0px 0px; fungsinya untuk mengatur gambar ke posisi yang kita inginkan, formatnya kode tersebut adalah 40px(atas) -390(kanan) 0px(bawah) 0px(kiri).
      • float:right;  dan float left fungsinya untuk memudahkan kita menempatkan gambar ke bagian kiri atau kanan
      • #empat4 img{ dan #empat4 img:hover{ kode tambahan agar gambar berputar ketika disentuh mouse.
      Atur posisi dari gambar tersebut sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan.  Setelah selesai mengatur posisi gambar, baru lah klik Terapkan Ke Blog, Selesai.

      Dengan memasukan kode Css ke bagian Tambahkan Css, kita dapat melihat perubahan posisi gambar secara langsung, ketika kita merubah nilai dari kode Css. Contoh gambar penempatan kode Css didalam ruang Tambahkan Css.
      Menu gambar dengan posisi sembarangan

      Silakan baca juga artikel tentang cara membuat menu blog dengan gambar, yang dapat dijadikan pilihan dalam pembuatan menu gambar diblog. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

        Friday, 22 November 2013

        Cara membuat menu HTML dan Css

        Cara membuat menu html dan css serta cara mengisi menu tersebut dengan link atau url yang kita inginkan. Perlu diketahui bahwa menu terdiri dari kode HTML sebagai pokok utama dari menu dan CSS sebagai penghiasnya. Akan saya coba jelaskan sedikit demi sedikit.

        Kode dasar HTML dari sebuah menu, kira-kira seperti ini.

        <div id="menu">
        <li><a href="URL alamat web">Beranda</a></li>
        Maka hasilnya akan menjadi seperti ini.
        • Beranda
        Selanjutnya kita coba tambahkan menu yang lainnya. Seperti Profil, Contact, dan Daftas isi.
        <div id="menu">
        <li><a href="URL alamat web">Beranda</a></li>
        <li><a href="URL alamat web">Profil</a></li>
        <li><a href="URL alamat web">Contact</a></li>
        <li><a href="URL alamat web">Daftas Isi</a></li>
        Maka hasilnya akan menjadi seperti ini.
        • Beranda
        • Profil
        • Contact
        • Daftar Isi
        Dari contoh diatas, setiap menu mempunyai kode sendiri.
        Seperti Beranda kodenya: <li><a href="URL alamat web">Beranda</a></li>.
        Jadi jika ingin menambahkan menu lagi, kita dapat menambahkan kode dengan format
        <li><a href ="URL address">Nama menu yang akan dibuat</a></li>

        Dari kode HTML menu diatas. Menu akan berbentuk menurun/vertical dengan bullet-list disamping kirinya. Sekarang masuk ke bagian CSS/Penghias menu. Dari kode CSS inilah kita dapat membuat menu menjadi bentuk Horizontal atau memanjang kesamping. Mengatur warna tulisan, warna background, jarak antar tulisan dan lain-lainnya. Kode Css akan berjalan sesuai dengan kode HTML yang kita buat.

        Untuk cara memasangnya di blog, ke pengaturan tata letak > klik tambahkan gadget > pilih HTML/Javascipt, lalu masukan kode HTML dan CSS kedalamnya Dengan format seperti dibawah ini.
        kode Css
        kode html
        Lalu Save, selesai.

        Lanjut ke bagian Css. Seperti contoh kode HTML diatas. Kita membuat menu dengan Kode id=menu maka dikode Css nya juga harus menu. Contoh:
        #menu { background:#eee;border:1px solid #444444;}
        Maka hasilnya akan menjadi seperti ini.

        Selanjutnya menghilangkan bullet list. Tambahkan kode #menu ul {list-style:none;} Maka hasilnya akan menjadi seperti ini.

        Mengatur jarak antar tulisan. Tambahkan kode #menu ul li {padding:5px;} hasilnya.

        Mengatur warna,ukuran,tebal tulisan tambahkan kode Css #menu ul li a{color:#aaaaaa;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;} Hasilnya:

        Mengatur warna tulisan ketika disentuh mouse. tambahkan kode #menu ul li a:hover{color:#aaa;} Hasilnya.

        Jadi kode keseluruhan dari kode HTML dan CSS diatas adalah seperti ini.

        #menu { background:#eee;border:1px solid #444444;}
        #menu ul {list-style:none;}
        #menu ul li {padding:5px;}
        #menu ul li a{color:#000;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;}
        #menu ul li a:hover{color:#aaa;}

        <div id="menu">
        <li><a href="">Beranda</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Profil</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Daftas Isi</a></li>

        Sekarang ke tahap pembuatan menu horizontal. Kode HTML nya sama seperti cara diatas, yang berbeda hanyalah kode Css nya kita tambahkan kode float;left pada bagian #menu ul li {padding:5px;float;left; } dan juga kode height:40px; pada bagian #menu { background:#eee;border:1px solid #444444;height:40px;} . Contoh:

        #menu { background:#eee;border:1px solid #444444;height:40px;}
        #menu ul {list-style:none;}
        #menu ul li {padding:5px;float;left}
        #menu ul li a{color:#000;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;}
        #menu ul li a:hover{color:#aaa;}

        <div id="menu">
        <li><a href="">Beranda</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Profil</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Daftas Isi</a></li>


        Dari contoh2 diatas, kita dapat melihat perbedaan antara menu horizontal dan vertical terletak pada kode Cssnya sedangkan kode HTML nya tetap sama. Silakan berkreasi sendiri. Artikel diatas hanyalah sedikit tutorial sederhana dari saya, yaitu tentang dasar pembuatan menu menggunakan kode HTML dan Css, yang dapat anda kembangkan sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Semoga Bermanfaat.

        Wednesday, 20 November 2013

        These Blocks are Golden!

        I don't really blog about things that I haven't personally tried but with the holidays about a week away and people looking for gifts, I felt it necessary to share this idea.  Yesterday on Facebook, many of my friends, most of them being moms of girls, posted this video.  It's an amazing 2 minutes of creativity and fun and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend putting the volume up really loud and watching it now!  I watched this video and was instantly convinced to buy these for my own girl.  I can't wait to play these with Quinn once she opens them on Christmas morning.  I will post a full review after that but in the mean time, here is some information for you.  I have a feeling that after this video, these will be selling out so get them now!

        I had heard about Goldie Blox last year from my sister Kara, a mother of two girls herself.   I am sure many moms of girls out there can agree that Legos and other building toys are great but almost always geared towards boys.  Goldie Blox are created by Debbie Sterling, an engineer who was bothered by how few women there were in the field.  She decided that she wanted to change that and became obsessed with creating a building toy that would introduce young girls to the world of engineering at a young age.  I think she has succeeded!

        As a mother of a creative and spirited little girl who wants to be a butterfly or a violin when she grows up, I love the idea of introducing her to a world of possibilities when it comes to choosing a career path that makes her happy.  Whether she becomes a butterfly or an engineer, I just want her to know that she can be whatever she wants to be as long as she works hard.

        As on occupational therapist, I love there is a toy I can bring into my office and play with my girls who lack confidence and a belief that they can be whatever they want to when they grow up.  In addition to working on a million occupational therapy goals, I believe these construction toys will build self-esteem and confidence in these amazing little girls I work with.  Some of the goals that can be worked on are building fine motor strength and coordination, improve visual motor and visual perceptual skills, improve motor planning and improve bilateral coordination skills.  The best part of this is that they can have fun while working on those skills.

        Below, you will see a couple more pictures and the toy description taken right from the Goldie Blox website.  I will be back after Christmas with a complete review and talk more about the specific occupational therapy goals that can be focused on but I was too excited about this product after watching the wonderful video that I had to share.  I can't wait to see what Quinn comes up with when playing with them.  I can already picture hours of fun and building ahead of us this winter.

        Happy building friends!  If you have used the Goldie Blox, I would love to hear from you and about your experiences working with kids who have fine motor or visual motor/perceptual/spatial issues.  Do you have suggestions on how to make this a successful activity for them?   I am always a click away and loving hearing from you all!

        At GoldieBlox, our goal is to get girls building. We’re here to help level the playing field in every sense of the phrase. By tapping into girls' strong verbal skills, our story + construction set bolsters confidence in spatial skills while giving young inventors the tools they need to build and create amazing things.

        In a world where men largely outnumber women in science, technology, engineering and math...and girls lose interest in these subjects as early as age 8, GoldieBlox is determined to change the equation. Construction toys develop an early interest in these subjects, but for over a hundred years, they've been considered "boys' toys". By designing a construction toy from the female perspective, we aim to disrupt the pink aisle and inspire the future generation of female engineers.
        We believe there are a million girls out there who are engineers. They just might not know it yet. We think GoldieBlox can show them the way.

        Tuesday, 19 November 2013

        Cara merubah bullet list diposting blog

        Cara merubah tampilan bullet list diposting blog menggunakan gambar. Bullet list atau tanda bulat-bulat yang ada diposting blog akan kita ganti dengan menggunakan gambar, agar terlihat lebih stylish. Contoh gambar lihat dibawah ini.

        Cara merubah bullet list diposting blog
        Bagaimana??anda tertarik untuk mengganti bullet list diblog anda dengan gambar. Jika tertarik, silakan ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
        1. Login ke blogger. Selanjutnya kepengaturan Tata Letak > Desainer Template > Tingkat Lanjut > Tambahkan Css. 
        2. Lalu copi kode berikut dan pastekan kedalam kotak tambahkan Css.
        3. .post ul {
        4. Selanjutnya Klik terapkan ke blog, selesai.
        Keterangan Kode:
        • .post ul { kode untuk mengatur bullet list diposting blog.
        • merupakan kode url dari gambar yang akan dijadikan bullet list diposting blog.
        Jika ingin menggunakan gambar sendiri, silakan buat gambar yang akan dijadikan bullet list diprogam gambar, buatlah gambar dengan ukuran yang kecil, misalnya 16x16, seperti contoh gambar diatas, gambar bullet list yang saya gunakan ukurannya 12x10. Untuk cara merubah ukuran gambar, kalian bisa baca di artikel cara membuat icon untuk website menggunakan photoshop.

        Agar tidak memberatkan loading blog, buatlah gambar dengan format Gif. Karena dengan menggunakan format Gif, ukuran gambar bisa dibawah 1kb, seperti contoh gambar, itu ukurannya hanya 873byte. Satu lagi kelebihan format gif, background gambar transparant. Jadi yang terlihat hanya bagian yang berwarna saja.

        Setelah selesai membuat gambar, upload gambar dan ambil Url nya. Caranya bisa baca di artikel cara upload dan ambil url gambar. Dan gunakan url tersebut ke dalam kode .post ul { list-style(url gambar kamu sendiri);}. Selesai. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk anda.

          Sunday, 17 November 2013

          Cara membuat author dibawah posting blog

          Cara membuat author dibawah posting blog. Dengan menambahkan author atau profil penulis blog. Maka pengunjung akan lebih mudah untuk mengenali pemilik/penulis dari blog yang sedang dibacanya. Contoh gambar bisa lihat dibawah ini.

          Cara membuat author dibawah posting blog
          Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang cara membuat author dibawah posting blog. Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
          1. Login keblogger, pilh pengaturan template.
          2. Klik edit HTML dan cari kode <data:post.body/> lalu masukan kode ini dibawahnya.
          3. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
            <div class='gambar'>
            <img src=''/>

            <div class='Penulis'>
            <span>Penulis : <a href=''><d>F</d><g>a</g><h>n</h><i>d</i><j>r</j><k>a</k> <l>J</l><m>u</m><n>a</n><o>n</o><r>i</r></a></span>

            <div class='keterangan'>
            <span>Ada Pertanyaan tentang artikel diatas, silakan masukan komentar dibawah. </span>

            <div class='terimakasih'>
            <span>Terima Kasih Atas Kunjungannya. Assalamualaikum wr.wb.</span>
            <div style='clear:both;'/>
            <div style='clear: both;'/>
          4. Kode <data:post.body/> di template blog, biasanya ada 3, masukan kode langkah 2, di bawah kode <data:post.body/>, ketiga2nya.
          5. Selanjutnya, cari kode ]]></b:skin> lalu masukan kode ini didalamnya.
          6. .gambar {
            background: url( repeat-x top center;
            box-shadow:0px 1px 10px #aaaaaa;
            border:2px solid #eeeeee;
            margin:10px 0;
            font:bold 12px Arial,Sans-Serif;height:100px;}

            .gambar img{
            border:1px solid #dddddd;
            position: relative;
            -moz-transition:all .4s ease-in-out;;
            -ms-transition:all .4s ease-in-out;;
            -o-transition:all .4s ease-in-out;;
            -webkit-transition:all .1s ease-in-out;
            transition:all .4s ease-in-out;}

            .gambar img:hover{
            -o-transform: scale(1) rotate(720deg);
            -moz-transform: scale(1) rotate(720deg);
            -webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(720deg);}

            margin:10px 0px 0px 0px;
            text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #107cde;

            .Penulis a{
            text-shadow:2px 2px 5px #1780dd;

            padding:15px 0px 0px 0px;
            color:white;font:italic 12px Arial, Sans-Serif;
            text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #107cde;font-weight:bold;}

            margin:13px 0px 0px 150px;
            font:italic 12px Arial, Sans-Serif;color:black;
            text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #ffffff;}
          7. Save template, selesai.
          Keterangan kode langkah 2: 
          • Gambar untuk memasukan foto yang akan kita gunakan sebagai profil author.
          • Penulis isi dengan nama kamu, tulisannya saya buat dengan warna yang berbeda disetiap hurufnya. Untuk penjelasannya baca diartikel tulisan dengan warna yang berbeda.
          Keterangan kode langkah 4: 
          • Gambar untuk memberikan background disemua tulisan. Height nya saya atur 100px bisa anda ganti sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
          • .gambar img{ untuk mengatur ukuran gambar profil author dan juga tambahan kode gambar berputar.
          • .gambar img:hover{ gambar akan berputar ketika disentuh mouse. Penjelasannya baca di artikel cara membuat gambar berputar diblog
          • .Penulis a{ untuk mengatur font atau jenis tulisan nama author.
          • .keterangan{ jika menggunakan keterangan yang panjang. Hapus kode float:left; yang ada di kode .Penulis{ agar keterangan tetap berada disamping gambar profil.
              Silakan diubah sesuai dengan keinginan anda sendiri. Dan baca juga artikel tentang cara membuat tanda penulis dikotak komentar blog, agar terlihat berbeda dengan komentar dari pengunjung, sehingga orang bisa membedakan mana pengunjung, mana penulis blog. Semoga Bermanfaat.

                Saturday, 16 November 2013

                Modifikasi baca selengkapnya versi Blogger

                Cara modifikasi baca selengkapnya versi blogger. Baca selengkapnya fungsinya untuk memotong artikel pada tampilan awal blog. Jadi pada halaman awal, tidak semua tulisan dari artikel kita akan terlihat, yang terlihat hanya pada bagian awalnya saja. Penggunaannya cukup mudah, kita hanya menekan tombol Insert Jump Break pada saat kita menulis artikel(dientri). Untuk lebih jelasnya, kamu bisa baca di artikel cara membuat read more diblog.

                Dan kali ini kita akan merubah tulisan baca selengkapnya versi blogger dengan menambahkan kode css didalamnya. Contohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini.

                Modifikasi baca selengkapnya versi Blogger
                Langsung saja, cara modifikasi tulisan baca selengkapnya versi blogger. Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
                1. Login ke blogger, dari halaman dasbor pilih pengaturan template.
                2. Lalu klik edit HTML dan cari kode <div class='jump-link'>. Dan ganti dengan kode dibawah ini.
                3. <div class='jump-link' style='text-align: right;border:1px solid #dddddd;background:#eeeeee;box-shadow:0px 5px 5px #aaaaaa;margin:5px 0px 0px 450px;padding:5px;background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #fff 0%, #ddd 100%);'>
                4. Selanjutnya, save template. Selesai.
                Keteranga kode:
                • style='text-align: right; untuk mengatur tulisan baca selengkapnya disebelah kanan.
                • border:1px solid #dddddd; untuk mengatur border kotak baca selengkapnya.
                • background:#eeeeee; warna backgroundnya.
                • box-shadow:0px 5px 5px #aaaaaa; warna bayangan kotak.
                • margin:5px 0px 0px 450px; untuk mengatur lebar dan panjang kotak baca selengkapnya.
                • padding:5px; untuk mengatur tulisan didalam kotak.
                • background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #fff 0%, #ddd 100%); untuk mengatur warna background atas dan bawah kotak baca selengkapnya.
                Selesai sudah cara modifikasi baca selengkapnya versi blogger, yang dapat anda jadikan pilihan untuk mengatur tampilan blog anda. Silakan dimodifikasi sendiri sesuai dengan tampilan yang kalian inginkan. Jika ingin membuat baca selengkapnya secara auto/otomatis. Kamu bisa baca di artikel cara membuat auto reamore diblog. Semoga Bermanfaat.

                  Friday, 15 November 2013

                  Cara membuat contact form di posting blog

                  Cara membuat contact form di blogger, pada halaman posting atau laman blog. Contact form ini fungsinya Untuk memudahkan pengunjung menghubungi kita. Dengan mengisikan nama, email dan juga pesan yang ingin disampaikan ke penulis melalui kotak form yang telah disediakan. Pesan yang dikirimkan, akan masuk ke alamat email yahoo kita, yang kita gunakan diblog. Jadi tinggal buka yahoo dan lihat apakah ada pesan yang masuk dari kontak blogger.

                  Cara membuat contact form di blog

                  Gambar diatas adalah contoh contact form yang akan kita buat. Caranya ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
                  Langkah pertama : Membuat contact form dihalaman posting atau laman blog.
                  1. Login ke blogger, dari halaman dasbor pilih pengaturan Tata Letak
                  2. Lalu klik tambahkan Gadget > Gadget Lainnya > lalu pilih Formulir Kontak > Dan letakkan dibagian sidebar paling bawah.
                  3. Selanjutnya, memasukan formulir kontak ke halaman posting. Buatlah artikel baru atau buat dilaman > Laman baru > Laman Kosong. Dan Copi kode dibawah ini lalu pastekan dibagian HTML(disebelah compose).
                  4. <form name='contact-form'>
                    <div>Nama Kamu:</div>
                    <input class='contact-form-name' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-name' name='name' size='30' type='text' value=''/>

                    <input class='contact-form-email' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email' name='email' size='30' type='text' value=''/>

                    <textarea class='contact-form-email-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message' name='email-message' rows='5'></textarea> <p></p>
                    <input class='contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-submit' type='button' value='Send'/>

                    <div style='text-align: center; max-width: 450px; width: 100%'>
                    <p class='contact-form-error-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message'></p>
                    <p class='contact-form-success-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message'></p> </div>
                  5. Terakhir beri judul, dan Publikasikan. Selesai.
                  Langkah kedua : Merubah tinggi dan panjang dari form nama, email, pesan.
                  1. Ke pengaturan Tata Letak > Desainer Template > Tingkat Lanjut > Tambahkan Css. Dan masukan kode ini kedalamnya.
                  2. /* untuk mengatur ukuran form name dan email*/
                    .contact-form-name, .contact-form-email {
                    max-width: 300px;
                    width: 100%;
                    /* untuk mengatur ukuran form pesan*/
                    .contact-form-email-message {
                    max-width: 300px;
                    width: 100%;
                  3. Lalu terapkan ke blog, jika ingin merubah tingginya tambahkan kode height:100px;. Silakan diatur sendiri.
                  Langkah ke 3 : Menghilangkan Contact Form di halaman Blog.
                  1. Ke pengaturan Template > Edit HTML > Dan klik Lompat ke Widget > Pilih ContactForm1.
                  2. Selanjutnya, buka semua kode, dan hapus beberapa kode didalamnya(hanya kode dibagian ContactForm1 bagian lain jangan dihapus). Sampai yang tertinggal hanya kode dibawah ini
                  3. <b:widget id='ContactForm1' locked='false' title='Formulir Kontak' type='ContactForm'>
                        <b:includable id='main'>
                      <b:include name='quickedit'/>
                  4. Setelah itu, cari kode ]]></b:skin> dan tempatkan kode dibawah ini, fungsinya untuk menghilangkan sisa dari widget contact form dihalaman blog.
                  5. #ContactForm1 {
                    height: 0px;
                    visibility: hidden;
                    display: none;
                  6. Save temlate, selesai.
                  Widget contact form tetap akan ada di blog kita. Tapi hanya di bagian tata letak saja, pada halaman blog tidak akan terlihat. Jika ingin menambahkan background gambar didalamnya, kamu baca di artikel cara membuat background dihalaman posting. Semoga bisa Bermanfaat untuk anda.

                        Thursday, 14 November 2013

                        Cara merubah tampilan kotak komentar blog

                        Cara merubah tampilan kotak komentar blog, agar terlihat lebih rapi. Dengan cara menambahkan background, box-shawod, warna, serta ukuran dari tulisan yang ada didalam komentar blog. Contohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini.

                        Cara merubah tampilan kotak komentar blog

                        Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang cara merubah tampilan kotak komentar blog. Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
                        1. Login ke blogger, pili pengaturan Tata Letak > Desainer Templates.
                        2. Lalu pilih Tingkat Lanjut > Tambahkan Css
                        3. Dan masukan kode ini kedalamnya.
                        4. .comments h4 {Color:#0b5394;margin:0;}
                          .comments {
                          border:1px solid #cccccc;
                          margin:0px 10px 20px 10px;
                          box-shadow:0px 1px 10px #aaaaaa;
                          background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #fff 0%, #f3f3f3 100%);}

                          .comments .comments-content {
                          margin:-20px 0px -50px 0px;

                          .comments .comments-content .user a{

                          .comments .comment-replies .comment-thread{
                          border:1px solid #dddddd;
                          box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #bbbbbb;
                          background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #fff 0%, #e6e6e6 100%);
                          margin:0px 0px 0px 12px;}

                          .comments .continue{border-top:none;}  
                          .comments .comments-content .comment {margin:0px 0px -10px 0px;}
                          .comments .comments-content .datetime{
                          margin:3px 0px 0px 0px;
                        5. Save template, Selesai.
                        Keterangan Kode:
                        • .comments h4 { untuk mengatur warna tulisan dari jumlah komentar. 
                        • .comments { untuk mengatur warna background dari seluruh kotak komentar blog. 
                        • .comments .comments-content { untuk mengatur warna, ukuran tulisan dari isi komentar, dan jarak tinggi komentar blog. 
                        • .comments .comments-content .user a{  untuk mengatur warna dari seluruh nama yang ada dikotak komentar. 
                        • .comments .comment-replies .comment-thread{ untuk mengatur warna background dari komentar balasan. 
                        • .comments .continue{ untuk mengatur tombol Balas. 
                        • .comments .comments-content .comment { untuk mengatur jarak antar komentar balasan. 
                        • .comments .comments-content .datetime{ untuk mengatur warna dan posisi tanggal.
                        Silakan baca juga artikel yang terkait dengan desain kotak komentar blog. Seperti cara membuat tanda penulis dikotak komentar blog. Dan juga cara menggantu tulisan poskan komentar dengan gambar. Dan juga artikel-artikel lainnya. Semoga Bermanfaat.

                          Wednesday, 13 November 2013

                          Cara membuat tulisan 2 baris dalam satu kotak excel

                          Cara membuat tulisan 2 baris dalam satu kotak excel. Pada dasarnya, saat kita menulis diexcel dengan kata yang panjang, maka tulisan tersebut akan memerlukan banyak kotak colomn kesamping. Agar terlihat rapi, kita dapat membagi tulisan tersebut menjadi 2 row, row atas dan row bawah. Tapi jika membagi kata menjadi 2 row, kita memerlukan waktu yang lama, dan agak sedikit susah membaginya. 

                          Berikut ini adalah cara mudah membuat tulisan yang panjang menjadi 2baris hanya dalam satu kotak excel. Contohnya seperti dibawah ini.

                          Cara membuat tulisan 2 baris dalam satu kotak excel

                          Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang cara membuat 2baris dalam satu kotak excel. Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
                          1. Pertama buka program excel kamu. Lalu tulis seperti contoh gambar dibawah ini.
                          Cara membuat tulisan 2 baris dalam satu kotak excel
                          2. Selanjutnya, klik tanda Wrap Text pada menu atas excel. Contoh gambar.
                          Cara membuat tulisan 2 baris dalam satu kotak excel
                          3. Setelah itu atur lebarnya sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan, selesai.

                          Silakan dibaca juga artikel lainnya tentang excel, seperti cara  cara print banyak kotak diexcel, atau cara menuliskan mata uang rupiah dimicrosoft excel. Dan juga artikel-artikel lainnya. Semoga bermanfaat.

                          Cara mengganti poskan komentar dengan gambar

                          Cara mengganti tulisan poskan komentar yang berada di atas kotak komentar dengan gambar. Tulisan poskan komentar ini akan muncul jika artikel kita belum ada komentar. Dan akan hilang dengan sendirinya jika artikel sudah ada yang berkomentar.
                          mengganti poskan komentar dengan gambar
                          Gambar diatas adalah contoh tulisan poskan komentar yang berada di atas kotak komentar blog. Untuk menggantinya dengan gambar. Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.
                          1. Login ke blogger, ke pengaturan Template.
                          2. Lalu klik edit HTML dan cari kode <data:postCommentMsg/>
                          3. Setelah itu ganti tulisan tersebut dengan format kode dibawah ini.
                          4. <img src="URL gambar kalian" />
                          5. Kode <data:postCommentMsg/> ada 4 di template blog Ganti semuanya dengan kode gambar seperti diatas.
                          6. Save template, selesai.
                          Saya beri contoh gambar dan kodenya.
                          mengganti poskan komentar dengan gambar
                          <img src="" />
                          mengganti poskan komentar dengan gambar
                          <img src="" />
                          Silakan gunakan kode dan gambar diatas untuk percobaan diblog anda. Selanjutnya anda bisa gunakan gambar sendiri yang kalian inginkan. Untuk cara upload dan ambil url gambar, upload saja gambarnnya ke blogger, lalu klik kanan dan ambil urlnya, untuk lebih jelasnya bisa kalian baca di cara upload dan ambil url gambar.

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                            2013 Holiday Gift Guide

                            I honestly can't believe it's that time of year already.  It seems like it was just yesterday when I put together last year's gift guide.  I'm not sure how long I have been doing this, but I can date myself by saying that I know it is only in the last couple of years that I have added an iPad app section.

                            Year after year, families I work with ask for suggestions on not only what they can get for their kids for the holidays, but also what they can tell their friends and families to get.  As we all know, there is an overwhelming number of toys out there.  The commercials for light up pillows, animal slippers whose mouths open when you take steps, mood sand and magic markers are enough to drive us all mad and into the poor house!

                            My goal for my gift giving guide is to provide you with items that are not only fun, but will have a therapeutic value for those of you whose child needs that.  For the most part, the things I recommend are items which can be used by all children, not only those that need support.  They are (for the most part), items that can be purchased in local toy stores or online. Anyone who follows this blog knows that I love to support the local toy stores!

                            I hope you find this list helpful.  If you click on the name of each product, you will be directed to the website or a place where you can purchase that item.

                            Please use the list below to reference the abbreviations under each product.  These codes will tell you what skills can be addressed using the toy, game, app, etc.

                            FM- improves fine motor skills
                            GR- improves fine motor grasping skills and in-hand manipulation skills
                            VM- improves visual motor skills
                            VP- improves visual perceptual skills/visual scanning skills
                            EH- improves eye-hand coordination skills
                            SP- improves sensory processing skills, such as attention and focus
                            SA- improves safety awareness
                            MP- improves motor planning skills
                            ST- improves strength
                            BC- improves bilateral coordination/using two hands at the same time
                            EF- improves executive functioning skills
                            SS- improves social skills
                            GM- improves gross motor skills (jumping or whole body movements)
                            SC/Ind- improves self-care and activities of daily living skills; improves independence 

                            Happy Holidays to you all!  I hope that they are filled with lots of love and laughter and, for the little people in your life, lots of fun and playing!

                            Drawing Books
                            Don't Let the Pigeon Finish This Activity Book-I am a huge fan of all things Mo Willems so when I saw this book in the Community Bookstore in Park Slope, I had to get it.  It's a great book with a variety of really fun activities for kids.  Opportunities to practice writing letters, drawing and coloring with your favorite characters from the Mo Willem books.  One of the things I really like about this book is that there are some activities that can take more than one session.
                            GR  VM  EH  FM

                            Lazoo-there are nine different books to choose from and I can't say one is better than the other.  I adore all of these and each one is so unique and different from other coloring and activity books.  My first book was the Holes book and my kids couldn't get enough.  I quickly picked up the Squiggles and Stickers/Incredible Stickers books.  Perfect for preschoolers who may not always love coloring and drawing books because the pictures are motivating and exciting for them to complete.  Many of the kids I work with get stressed with coloring books because the pictures are too big and their hands get tired.  With drawing, they avoid this task because they aren't quite sure where to start the picture.  These books are great because they give you something concrete to begin with and then you can allow your imagination to run wild.  These books allow for success and the more successful they are, the more likely they will be to try coloring and drawing activities outside of their comfort zone. Here is a link to the Lazoo Store....warning, you may not be able to stop yourself!
                            GR  VM  EH  FM

                            Zolocolor coloring books- I'm not going to lie.  I love when my kids at work want to use these books. The pictures are so fun to color and I find it therapeutic to just zone out and color with the kids.  My kids love these books because the shapes are fun to color in and you can do whatever you want.  For many of my kids, this ends up being a bit of a long-term project.  Great for older kids who love to color but have outgrown many of the character coloring books out there.
                            GR  VM  EH  FM

                            The Usborne Coloring Books- Another fantastic collection of coloring and drawing books for older kids.  These books are filled with beautiful pictures and designs to color in and/or complete the pictures.  For those kids who struggle with starting a drawing project, these books are great because they don't need to worry about that.  There are a bunch of different versions of this book so you will easily find one for your child (boy or girl) will enjoy.  Take a look at the picture on the left and you will see an example of just one of the images you can find in these books.  This one here allows you the jumping off point for so many things:  draw people in the windows of the houses/buildings or draw clothing hanging off the clothesline.  There is no right or wrong here.  It's about having fun and doing your best and at the end, they will have a picture they can be proud of!  I have seen these books at Barnes and Noble and many independent book stores.
                            GR  VM  EH  FM  EF  SP  SS

                            Arts and Crafts
                            Rainbow Loom- I blogged about this a few months ago and think it was by far my most popular post ever.  No surprise since the Rainbow Loom only gets more popular each and every day!  I can't say enough about this product.  I love that it has become so popular amongst school age kids and that you are seeing them excited about making bracelets and not glued to an iPhone, iPad or portable gaming device.  For kids with fine motor and motor planning difficulties, this may be difficult, but the amount of pride they feel when they master it is amazing.  For my older kids who need to work on executive functioning skills, I have them find a video on YouTube so they can follow the step-by-step instructions.  I have spent many hours on YouTube myself learning different bracelet patterns.  Many local toy stores sell the real loom (I am a bit of a Rainbow Loom snob and after trying a few of the knock-off brands, I won't use any but the real one) but if you have a Michael's nearby you will be sure to find a loom and dozens and dozens of different colored bands.
                            FM  GR  BC  EH  VM  SP

                            Orb Factory Mosaics- I have been using these in my private practice for years now.  It's hard to contain my love for them, evident by my previous blog posts here and here.  What I love about this company is that they could have easily stopped creating and still be super popular but they didn't do that.  Their products continue to grow and keep me coming back for more.  They have sets made for toddlers (matching different colored shapes) and for older kids (matching different colored squares and gems to assigned numbers).  They are all brilliant and at the end, the kids have an amazing piece of art that they get to take home and show to their loved ones.  This helps foster self-esteem and confidence which is the most important factor in a toy or craft.
                            FM  GR  BC  EH  VM  SP

                            Crayons- We all love the traditional set of Crayola crayons and I am not saying that you shouldn't have those in your house. In fact, no home would be complete without its own set!  As an occupational therapist, I would tell you to take those perfect crayons and break them in half to promote a proper grasp.  If you can't do that (and I totally understand...I cringe every time I do it myself), here are some crayons that will help in promoting a proper grasp for those of you who have children with strength or grasping issues:

                            Star Crayons- The shape of these crayons is perfect for encouraging a tripod grasp.  The star shape also makes all coloring and handwriting activities a little more fun for the little ones I work with!

                            Left Right Ergonomic Crayons: Perfect for those kids who are too young to have a hand dominance or kids who keep switching.  The shape is made so that no matter what hand you choose, you will be forced into a tripod-like grasp.

                            Crayon Rocks- Designed to strengthen the tripod grip muscles, which are essential for creating a proper grasp, and is so important for graphomotor and handwriting skill development.  Soy wax crayon,s that offer bright and vibrant colors, are small crayons whose size helps to encourage a tripod grasp.  Because they are small, there is no way that a child can't fist them, which is a common grasp I see with my younger kids.
                            FM  GR

                            Djeco Collages for Little Hands- Super cute set of animal collages perfect for your preschooler/early school age child.  Each set comes with four different collages that you can make.  Following the visual directions, you use a variety of materials to make a cute animal.  Great for working on early organizational skills in our little ones.  At the end, they have a set of four ridiculously adorable collages that they take great pride in.
                            FM  GR  BC  EH  VM  SP

                            Yellow Owl's Little Prints-as with many things these days, I discovered this book at Norman & Jules in Park Slope.  This book teaches readers a wide variety of crafting skills such as stenciling, printing and stamping in order to create different keepsakes, decorations and gifts that will make the special people in your life feel loved.  Great for the tweens/teens in your life who have outgrown many of the arts & crafts kits out there and want to be more hands-on with their crafts.  
                            GR  VM  EH  FM  EF  SP  SS

                            Hiho Batik-I blogged about this awesome Park Slope store months ago and you can read about my amazing experience here.  I can't say enough about this place and the people who run it.  There is a passion and devotion here that comes out in all the work they do.  Not only can you buy some of the coolest homemade clothes out there (Quinn's been sporting Hiho Batik clothing since the day they opened), you can make your own in their studio located at the back of the store.  I have gone for a 1:1 session and a birthday party and couldn't have been more impressed with the attention that goes into every detail.  Both times I went, the children needed a little extra love and attention; I mentioned it to Julia, store owner, before coming and she did everything in her power to make sure the time we spent there was a successful one.  Your child walks out of this experience with not only a really cool piece of clothing, but a sense of pride and confidence that is infectious.    Check out this link that shows a video of the make your own batik experience at Hiho Batik.  For those of you in the NYC area, gift certificates are available for purchase if you need a little something for the stocking.  This could be a great way to spend a cold and snowy winter day.
                            GR  VM  EH  FM  EF  SP  SS

                            Tegu Blocks- I absolutely love these blocks.  Tegu Blocks are simple, wooden blocks that have a magnet inside.  So a child can not only build their sets up, but also out to the sides.  There are a variety of sets, including ones that allow you to build a moving car.   My daughter has been playing with these blocks for years and never tires of them.  They are more expensive than your typical wooden block sets, but they are not your typical blocks.  Because of how well made and durable they are, this is a toy that you will be able to pass down to your kid's kids in the years to come.
                            FM  GR  BC  EH  SP

                            Lego Duplo Read and Build- Legos seem to be another one of those toys that never get old.  When I discovered the Lego Duplo Read and Build Sets, I was so excited.  These sets are perfect for those smaller hands that have difficulty with the small size Legos.  The accompanying instructions are great because they give very clear visuals on how to build the different objects (jungle and farm animals, bugs/caterpillar, and a car set) in the book.  This requires a child to organize their work, plan what they are doing and follow visual directions.
                            FM  BC  EH  MP  ST

                            Ogobild Bits- I discovered this Brooklyn-based company last holiday season when I saw them at one of the many amazing holiday markets all over the city.  If you have kids who love building, but you have enough Lego sets, this is a great gift for them!  There are small and large sets and each comes with a bunch of suggested items to build.  Great for working on building a child's imagination skills while building the muscles of the hands!  I have used them in my social skills group both with preschoolers and school age kids and they had an absolute blast.
                            FM  BC  EH  MP  ST
                            MagnaTiles- I bought these years ago and my kids still love them.  These magnetic plastic shapes help foster creativity and imagination.  I have used this both in my 1:1 work and in my social skills groups.  Another toy that comes with a bit of a price tag, but will last forever.
                            FM  BC  EH  MP  ST  SS

                            LaQ- I discovered this awesome manipulative building set this summer after a trip to The Bronx Zoo.  For the Lego lovers, this is another great toy.  These are actually flat shapes that snap together to make a ton of different shapes.  For tons of different patterns to make cars, animals, people, etc. using these different shaped blocks, clink here.  My kids love them and I don't see them getting too frustrated when it gets difficult to follow the directions.  Better suited for the older kids I work with (often too difficult for the preschoolers, especially those with fine motor difficulties).
                            FM  BC  EH  MP  ST

                            Giraffe Safari Nest & Play Blocks- I've been a fan of Skip*Hop products since the beginning when they were just diaper bags.  A few years ago they began making really nice wooden toys.  This cute toy is ideal for your little ones (around 1 1/2 years old).  They can be stacked on top of each other, match the towering animals and then you can drop the ball into the holes.  For those of you who live in smaller spaces, they can nest inside of each other and take up little room.
                            BC  EH  MP

                            Giraffe Safari Stacking Animal Blocks- These adorable blocks are a perfect gift for those little people in your life.  Included is a set of five jungle animals that can be stacked on top of each other, lined up next to each other or used in conjunction with other block sets.  A great toy to work on improving play skills and teaching your child about different kinds of animals.
                            BC  EH  MP

                            Stack Up- A great cooperative game perfect for preschoolers or young school age children.  The purpose of the game is to work as a team to build a stack of blocks using sticks (the blocks have a hole on either side and children must work together to put their stick in the hole and place it on top of the other blocks).  There are challenges as well that keep the kids on their feet and moving around.  I love watching the kids figure out how to work together to make the tower.  Cooperative games are great for teaching kids the importance of team work and that sometimes winning is not the most important part of a game!
                            BC SP GM

                            Spot It- I was late to the Spot It world but haven't turned back since I discovered it.  It's a great card game that works on matching, visual scanning and visual perceptual skills in a fast-paced fun way.  It's a perfect game for as few as two, and as many as six, kids.  It comes in a small and compact container that makes it easy to throw in a bag for car rides, train rides, etc. Kids don't seem to ever tire of this game and there are multiple ways to play to keep it fresh and exciting.  I have both Spot It and Spot It, Jr. and use both all the time.
                            SS  VP  SP  

                            Tumbling Monkeys- This is by far one of my most favorite games- ever!  It's fun for both my preschoolers and my school age kids.  It's similar to the game Kerplunk, but you have a tree filled with monkeys instead of a tower filled with marbles.  I let the children playing decide the rules of the game- mainly, is the winner the one with the least or the most monkeys?
                            SS  EH  VM  SP FM  GR 

                            Tenzi- I love this fast paced dice game.  Each container has 40 dice (10 of four different colors) and the rules are quite simple.  Roll all 10 dice at once and the first person to get all 10 dice to have the same number is the winner.  My older kids love this and come up with their own rules to play which is really heartening to see.  With my younger kids, I like to use five dice instead of 10. They often get the rules, but their hands are smaller and it is much more difficult to hold onto so many dice at a time.  Check out their website for different and exciting ways to play this game.
                            FM  GR  BC  EH  VM  SP SS

                            Perfection- An oldie but a goodie.  I use this game almost every day with my kids and they never get sick of it.  Perfection is great for learning shapes and improving matching skills.  For my older kids, I may use the timer but only if they want it.  Sometimes I hide the shapes in theraputty in order to work on increasing grasp strength at the same time.  The original version of the game is not so easy to find, but you can find it here. There is a newer version with different shapes, but instead of having to match 25 shapes, you only have to match nine which is good for much younger kids.
                            FM  GR  EH  VM  SP SS

                            Obstacles- I have fallen in love with the toy company Eeboo.  They have an amazing selection of games, crafts, etc.  I have used Obstacles both in my social groups and in my 1:1 sessions.  There are a bunch of cards that have barriers/hazards and a bunch of cards that have tools that can be used to overcome those barriers in order to get yourself home.  When used individually, I may have my kids who need to work on handwriting write out their thoughts and ideas.  When used in a group setting, you can pair kids up to work as a team to come up with the best way to overcome the obstacle with the tool they have.  I love games that can be adapted to meet the needs of a particular child and his/her goals and this is definitely one of them.  This game will provide hours and hours of entertainment to your child and encourage creativity and problem solving at the same time.
                            SP SS  EF

                            Gross Motor Toys
                            Kickboard Scooter- Once children have outgrown their strollers, I suggest parents get their kids a good scooter to get around on.  I live in NYC, but there are a lot of other families out there whose children are within walking distance of scool who would benefit from using a scooter.  The Mini-Micro scooter is perfect for your preschooler while your school-age child will love the Maxi-Micro scooter.
                            GM  SP  SA MP  ST  BC

                            OgoDisk- Another great product created by Brooklyn-based, OgoSport.  The OgoDisk is a perfect gross motor activity for your kids.  Super light and easy to bring to the park, playground or beach, this toy comes with two disks and a ball.  The disks are made from a hard foam outside which allows for a comfortable grip and a nylon-spandex center.  My kids have such a fun time with this activity and I love that it can be a social activity at the same time.
                            GM  SP  MP  ST  BC

                            Yogarilla Cards- I love using these yoga cards with all my kids.  The large cards provide a great visual for the kids to imitate and on the back of each card, there are alternate positions for those who may have difficulty with the poses.  I am not a yogi by any means, but I love using yoga to help organize, ground and get my kids to focus. I totally appreciate the instructions written on the back of each card that can be used when giving the instructions.  I have a lot of kids who typically hate yoga, but they love these cards and actually ask to use them.
                            GM  SP  MP  ST  BC  EF

                            EZ Sox- I have loved these socks since first reading about them years ago and have been recommending them to families ever since.  I even used them with my typically developing daughter who wanted to independently put her socks on.  They have expanded their products to not only offer a wider range of sock styles (in both  kids and grownup sizes) but also have underwear now.  I know that many of my kids who have fine motor difficulties have difficulty with dressing and undressing and I love that this company has created something that looks really cute and promotes independence for self-care skills.  With increased independence comes increased self-esteem and confidence.
                            SC/Ind  MP  BC  EF

                            Soft Clothing- As a therapist I'm very well aware of how sensitive some of the kids I work with are to clothing...the tags, the buttons, the seams, etc. Am I right, fellow therapists?  Which is where Soft Clothing comes into play. They offer a wide range of cute clothing made especially for these kids.  In addition to having seamless socks and underwear, they have really cute clothes that have wider necks (to avoid rubbing up against the skin and causing irritation) and are made from soft and comfortable fabrics.  We all know how much better we function when we are comfortable in our clothes, so the same goes for kids.  How can we expect them to have a good day if they aren't wearing clothes that make them feel good?  As a bonus, many of the pants have elastic waistbands so kids who have strength issues but want to be independent for dressing and undressing, can benefit from these clothes as well.  I have recommended this company to parents of kids with down syndrome who had decreased grasp and upper extremity causing dressing and undressing to be hard for them.
                            SC/Ind  MP  BC  EF

                            Magical Apparel Vests and Dress-up- For those of you who have kids with (some) sensory difficulties or fine motor delays, here is a set of dress-up clothes that will support them.  Large buttons and fasteners make it easier for them to be independent when putting these clothes on.  They are made to hold some weights to provide deep input to your child who may need that in order to remain calm in social situations.  Fun and Function, a fantastic therapeutic catalog, has many different costumes for your to choose from.
                            SC/Ind  MP  BC  EF  SS

                            Stocking Stuffers
                            Aaron's Thinking Putty- Who doesn't love putty?  I know that I still play with it, especially since my sister Kara discovered this awesome company.  This putty is great for working on increasing grasp strength and manipulation skills in a fun way.  There are all different kids of putty to choose from- magnetic, glow in the dark, see through and, my personal favorite, the changing color ones!
                            GR   FM  SP
                            Discovery Putty- I have been using theraputty with my kids for as long as I can remember.  I will take small objects and hid them in there to make it more fun.  How happy was I when I heard about Discovery Putty by Fun and Function?  There is a soft-resistance putty with 15 different food treats hidden inside and a firm-resistance putty with 15 different safari animals inside.  This is a fantastic way to work on building fine motor skills in a fun way.  My kids LOVE this putty and ask for it over and over again.
                            GR  VM  EH  FM  SP  SS
                            Zoo Sticks- I use these chopsticks all the time with my kids.  This is a fun way to encourage kids to eat while working on increasing grasp strength at the same time.  They are not only good for eating, but it's a fun way to pick up small toys and sort them into different containers.  Kids love them and don't even realize that they are working when they play with them.  The best part? There are over 30 different ones to choose from!
                            GR  VM  EH  FM  EF  SP  SS
                            Marbleous Necklaces- I have to give a little shout out to two of my favorite 9-year olds who came up with the idea for these beautiful necklaces and their moms for supporting their creativity and turning it into a reality.  If you're looking for a special gift made with love, please check out their Facebook page.  These necklaces can be custom made for special events.  I have actually had to give the necklace off my body to someone who loved it so much!  As if this couldn't get any sweeter, I'm happy to share that 10% of the annual proceeds will go to Autism Speaks because the people behind this awesomeness believe in giving and spreading love, tolerance, joy and hope.

                            For all you locals, you can head to Norman and Jules in Park Slope to browse through their special selection of Marblous Necklaces!

                            iPad Apps
                              I love using the iPad during my therapy sessions.  I don't use it alone, but find it to be a truly motivating tool, especially for things like handwriting, learning letters and drawing pictures.  I don't want to say that using the iPad is the end all and be all of therapy, but my kids work harder and generalize skills.  When used in conjunction with more hands-on experiences, like paper and pencils, I find that progress is seen faster.  
                            Lately, I have found more apps that focus on improving fine motor skills such as pinching, grasping, etc.  Here are just a few of my- I mean the kids'- favorites!

                            *I highly recommend using a stylus as often as possible when using the iPad in order to work on developing a proper grasp on a writing instrument.  Check out this crayon stylus by iCreate or this number 2 pencil stylus by Amin Swessi Designs. Each link will bring you to my blog posts which describe each one in depth along with all the OT goals that can be addressed by using these apps.  

                            Pepi Tree- I find myself playing this app every once in a while without any kids around.  The animals are so cute and I love that you can work on improving fine motor, visual motor and sensory-processing skills while also working on building language skills.

                            Bugs and Buttons/Bugs and Buttons 2-Little Bit Studio offers some of the finest apps out there. The best part is that each of their apps contains 18 fun and motivating games that work on a variety of educational games.  My kids don't tire of these apps and since there are so many games available, you can go weeks without repeating a game!

                            Bugs and Bubbles- Another amazing app by Little Bit Studio   Honestly, I can't get enough of this app and how many occupational therapy goals can be addressed when using it.

                            Face iMake ABC- This app provides users with a great way to learn the ABCs and work on improving visual motor, visual perceptual and matching skills. iMagineMachine outdid themselves with this app.  Be sure to check out their link here because there are plenty of other amazing apps to choose from that will not only entertain but educate your children.

                            Don't Let the Pigeon Run This App- Not only great for working on OT skills, but my speech therapy friends love using this entertaining app to work on language skills with the kids on their caseload.  Totally worth the more expensive price tag than I normally pay for a single app.

                            Lazoo Apps- There are five apps by this brilliant company.  Many of them are free and the ones that cost anything are well worth the small price tag!

                            Pinch Peeps- A great, free app.  It's perfect for older children who need to work on finger strength and grasping skills.  The more peeps you pinch, the more challenges you face so it keeps a child on their toes and maintaining their attention.

                            Dexteria Jr.- A great app that works on improving fine motor skills in pre-school age children (although many of the older children I work with love it as well).  This app is so much fun that the kids don't even realize they are working!

                            Doodlecast-Sago Mini- Offers an amazingly creative and fun line of apps for toddlers and preschoolers. I am a tremendous fan of Doodlecast, but my 3 1/2 year old daughter just loves all of their apps that we have on our iPad.

                            Toca Boca- I really love their line of apps. In fact, it's hard to have any self-control when looking through their amazing selection of apps.  Highly motivating and educational apps that will provide entertainment for all family members.  My favorites (and it is really difficult to choose) are Paint My Wings, Toca House and Toca Cars.

                            These are just a few but there are so many apps out there. Please email me if you want more specific suggestions for any particular skill. The apps listed above are a very small sampling of what I have reviewed and what I have on my iPad.

                            NYC Area Toy Stores
                            I say this on each and every blog post, but it is more important to me this time of the year: shop small business when possible.  Support those local toy and book stores near you.  These people work so hard and provide so much to your neighborhoods.  Here are a few of the local small businesses that I support throughout the year in NYC:

                            Norman and Jules- Park Slope, Brooklyn.  This is a beautiful toy store located in the heart of Park Slope with the most amazing selection of wooden toys and games.  One of my favorite things about this store is that there is almost nothing in the store that requires batteries.  Courtney and Avi do a tremendous amount of research to get the best of the best in there and are always willing to help a customer find the perfect gift.

                            Little Things- Park Slope, Brooklyn.  Two locations- one dedicated to Lego, Arts and Crafts and Seasonal items while other has dolls, games, baby toys, etc.  A true go-to store for all your holiday shopping!

                            Acorn- This small toy store has a beautiful selection of wooden toys, doll houses and dolls.  If you are looking for a special toy for a special person in your life, this is a perfect place to check out.

                            Stationery Toy World-I have worked on the UWS for 10 years now and have been shopping in this store for just as long.  The owner, Donna, is incredibly helpful and dedicated to keeping the most popular items in stock.  If you need suggestions on what to buy for a particular child, she will help you out.  You may pay more here than on Amazon, but the customer service is unbeatable.

                            Kidding Around- A great toy store with locations in both Chelsea and Grand Central Station.  There is a wonderful selection of games, puzzles, arts and crafts supplies and all other play essentials.  I have always found the staff to be friendly and helpful when looking for gifts.

                            Greenlight Bookstore- Fort Greene, Brooklyn.  An awesome selection of kid's books.  I never leave this store without something wonderful!

                            A Time for Children- Located on the UWS of Manhattan.  A Time for Children is owned and operated by a NYC-based philanthropy and donates 100% of its profits to The Children's Aid Society.  Here you will find a special selection of toys, clothes and gifts.

                            Toy Stores Outside of NYC Suggested by Others
                            Magic Beans- Four locations in the Boston area.  Independently owned and operated by parents.  They have a wide selection of baby, toddler, kid and educational toys.

                            The Village Bookstore- Littleton, NH. I grew up in Northern New Hampshire so I may be a little (or a lot!) biased, but this is so much more than a bookstore. Some of my happiest childhood memories are from when my sisters and I were cut loose downstairs in the children's/toy/play section. Here you will find an amazing selection of toys, puzzles and arts and craft supplies.

                            Animal Instinct- Ogunquit, Maine.  I hit this toy store up every summer on vacation.  There is a great selection of toys, games, puzzles and books.  I am a bit of a sucker for their Maine/Moose section when you first walk into the store!

                            Mom and Pop Place- Neenah, Wisconsin.  This is a natural parenting store and baby store featuring wooden toys, cloth diapers and other baby essentials.

                            Go Bananas- There are two locations in Loudon County, Virginia.  About 30 miles west of Washington DC.  It's an award-winning family-owned and operated specialty toy and gift store for children.

                            Fun Stuff Toys- Seaford, New York.  Specializing in kids' toys, here you can shop for creative, educational, developmental games, puzzles and specialty toys.  

                            Whirlygigs- Exeter, NH.  A classic shop from the past packed with toys of every kind.  From the latest craze to the classic toys you grew up with, they can help you find what you are looking for.

                            Matty's Toy Stop- Nassau County, Long Island, New York.  With multiple locations, this store offers a great selection of kids toys, educational items, learning and fun toys for all ages.

                            The Acorn Store-Santa Monica, California.  There is a beautiful selection of wooden and imaginative toys for children from birth to school age.

                            Wonderland- Brentwood, California.  A magical placed filled with quality treasures and gifts that will satisfy the fun inside of you all!  They scour the planet for unique, specialty toys that will be fun and educational for all kids.  

                            JennyBec's-Brentwood, California.  From books, toys, games, furniture, wall art and fine linens, you will find all you want from newborn through tween.  They pride themselves on being able to provide practically any gift, toy or furnishing!

                            Growing Tree Toys- State College, PA.  They offer a quality selection of educational toys to aid child creativity and intellectual growth.

                            Oliver's Trains & Toys- Evanston, Illinois.  A small, family operated toy store in the suburbs of Chicago. This store offers a wonderful selection of trains and educational toys.

                            Becky & Me Toys- Evanston, Illinois.  Becky was a teacher with 15 years of early childhood experience.  Here they try out the toys, play the games and read the books before they put them out on the shelves of their store.  They are constantly looking for new companies and products that have value to all the children who walk in their door.

                            Creative Kidstuff-Twin Cities, MN.  This store specialized in creative, innovative and educational toys.  They have a staff full of knowledgeable and kind-hearted people who truly love kids.

                            A2Z Science & Learning Store-located in downtown Northampton, MA, this toy store is filled with educational toys, skill toys, construction toys, flying toys, books, games, minerals and fossils.

                            The Toy Box-Amherst, MA.  This store has a dynamic environment where kids and adults are encouraged to play!  They pride themselves on their high level of service and hand picked products.

                            ***I would love to add to this list, so if you have any other suggestions of great toy stores in your neck of the woods, please let me know.  I am a click away and would love nothing more than to generate a list of small, independent and specialty toy stores that we can all support***

                            I hope that you find this list helpful and that there is something special for the little (or not so little) people in your lives.  If you have anything you would like me to add to the list, please let me know.  I am always looking for new toys and products to motivate the kids I work with to learn and gain new skills.  Email me and I will add to this list.  I know there are a million other great things out there and I look forward to hearing from you about them.

                            I tried to add as many new things as possible to this year's list.  However, there are so many other great toys and activities out there for you to know about.  Please check out my previous years' lists if you need or want additional ideas:
                            2012 Holiday Gift Guide
                            2011 Holiday Gift Guide

                            Most of all, I hope that you have a very happy and healthy holiday season.  May joy fill your hearts and homes.  May the New Year bring health and happiness to you and those you love.  Thank you for joining me this year and helping me help you!  I look forward to the upcoming New Year and discovering and sharing all kinds of new toys, crafts, activities and apps with you.

                            Thank you and happy, happy holidays,