Tuesday 24 March 2015

Menu Plan Monday: March 23rd, 2015

It was tough last week planning meals for only one. I ate frozen soups most of the week for dinner. Thankfully, my daughter is back home so I can start meal planning again. We're sticking to tried and true meals this week to make things easier. Visit the linky below for recipe ideas. I am hoping to try more new recipes in the near future.

Breakfast - Blueberry Oatmeal + Hardboiled Eggs
Lunch - Tune Cheese Melt Sandwiches + Carrots
Dinner - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce + Broccoli

Breakfast - Berry Yogurt Smoothie + Hardboiled Egg
Lunch - Egg Salad Avocado Sandwiches + Red Bell Peppers
Dinner - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce + Green Beans

Breakfast - Cereal + Kiwi Fruit + Egg Milk
Lunch - Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches + Green Bell Pepper Slices
Dinner - Roasted Chicken + Baked Potato + Peas

Breakfast - Lemon Blueberry Pancakes + Turkey Bacon
Lunch - Peanut Butter Honey Sandwiches + Apple
Dinner - Chicken Dumplings

Breakfast - Fried Egg, Cheese, and Turkey Bacon English Muffin
Lunch - Chicken Salad Sandwiches + Carrots
Dinner - Chicken Dumpling Leftovers or Chicken Quesadillas

Breakfast - Smoothie + Pecan Cream Cheese Muffin
Lunch - Turkey and Cheese Wraps + Avocado
Dinner - Turkey Burgers + Spinach Salad

Breakfast - Cereal + Fruit 
Lunch - Grilled Turkey or Ham Cheese Sandwich + Sugar Snap Peas
Dinner - Turkey Burgers + Spinach Salad

I will link this post up at Menu Plan Monday.

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