Friday 10 April 2015

Fire Station Impromptu Field Trip

After Easter break, we took a trip to Lake Jackson to visit relatives with my sister who flew in from New York. We went on an informal, impromptu field trip during our visit. We visited the Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire Station for a quick fire safety and prevention discussion with my second cousin's husband who is the Fire Marshal for the area. We actually met at the fire station because we were going out to lunch with his family and it was an easy location for us to find since my sister and I are both apparently directionally challenged.

Old Fire Truck
We even had the chance to jump inside and snap a shot. This is a picture of my sister and daughter with me.

 We also climbed on top of a fire truck for another fun shot. Those are pretty steep stairs!
They have a really cool vehicle where they teach children about fire safety skills and prevention. Alyssa was taught what she should do in case of a fire emergency. I was so into the conversation that I forgot to photograph that particular experience. 

My daughter learned many things during this short conversation. The vehicle had a door inside that gets hot as it would during a fire. She was told not to ever open a hot door and to feel the door with the BACK of her hands. She shouldn't feel it with the palms of her hand, because it they were hurt it would be harder and more painful to crawl on her hands and knees if smoke were in the room. She was told to start at the bottom of the door when checking for a fire because the door is hotter at the top during a fire. 

We also saw fake smoke come from under the door and from the vents. Alyssa was taught to place a shirt under (in front of) the door where the smoke enters the room. She was also told to get down on her hands and knees if smoke enters the room so that she doesn't breathe in a lot of smoke. 

We learned that it is best to sleep in your room with your door shut because the fire could quickly spread throughout the house. I also need to make sure Alyssa knows  how to break or open the window during a fire.    

Randy encouraged us to have two escape routes or ways out of the house in case there was a fire and to figure out a meeting place. I realized that after building the new house, we still didn't have an escape route or plan in place so this discussion needs to happen ASAP.

Many more fire safety tips were given that day. I just wanted to share a few with you that we learned during our field trip before things get too busy around here. 

I will link this post up at Field Trip Friday.

Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop

Thank you for visiting A Learning Journey! 

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