Wednesday 15 April 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Easter at the Trattoria Lisina Winery

We are soooo grateful for friends and family! Thankfully, our friends invited us to the Trattoria Lisina Winery and Restaurant in Driftwood, Tx for Easter this year. I wasn't exactly sure what we were going to do for Easter lunch until they invited us. Every meal served was absolutely delicious!

My sister from New York also visited us. Her birthday fell on Easter this year so we celebrated part of it at the restaurant by sharing a yummy piece of drool-worthy chocolate cake.

I hardly ever post photos of myself but I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a little this year so here goes . . .
Max, Pam, and Alyssa
The Gang
My Life and Love
Sisterly Love
Max's Do-Rag History Story
I pray that your Easter was also blessed with love, laughter, and happiness. 

Thank you for visiting A Learning Journey! 

I will link this post up at Life at Rossmont's Wordless Wednesday Linky.
Wordless Wednesday at Life at Rossmont

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