Friday 1 May 2015

Field Trip Friday: Earth Day Library Celebration

Alyssa and I went to the library for a field trip last week. There was an Earth Day Celebration planned for the day from 10-3pm. She wasn't feeling well, but was eager to get out of the house so we decided to go at the last minute. I am glad that we did because we had a wonderful time. I'll just share a few pics with you from our experience. I didn't take pictures from every station.

Sand Observations
This was by far one of Alyssa's favorite stations. She truly enjoyed observing different types of sand collected from around the world through the microscope. She was fascinated with this activity! The lady in charge said that her students would bring in samples from vacations they've taken.

Baby Raccoons
What a thrilling experience! We had the opportunity to pet and hold baby raccoons for the first time. So adorable! This one was sucking on the blanket. We also saw a rescued painted turtle and an opossum.

Recycled Spoon Art
This arts and crafts activity utilized yarn, spoons, fabric, and other craft materials that were thrown out, given away, or purchased inexpensively. The lady taught the children how to use items that others consider trash to create crafts.

Bird Beak Stations
This was a cool activity! I remember doing stations similar to these when I taught 2nd grade. Even though the sun was shining in her eyes, Alyssa insisted on finishing the activity.
The sun was right in her eyes. 
Animal Skulls and Skins
Alyssa identified the skulls that belong to certain animals. She also observed the teeth from several skills in order to figure out what kind of food they eat.

Butterfly and Ant Lifecycle Stencil Fun
Children used stencils to create beautiful butterflies showing the lifecycle stages. They also gathered information about butterfly migration and received a plastic insect figurine.

Microscopic Observations:
Beetles and, Moths, and Butterflies
My daughter LOVES her microscope. I knew this activity would be a big hit, because it was combined with her curiosity for insects.

Made a Antler Necklace
Children spoke with a gentleman about the types of deer, their antlers, and created an antler necklace. He also showed Alyssa old tools and weapons made from the past including spears, bow and arrows, etc. 

Plant a Bean
She decorated the cup and and planted a pinto bean. It is sitting on our kitchen window sill right now. She was jumping for joy today when she noticed it started to grow.

Thank you for visiting A Learning Journey! See ya again real soon! I will link this post up at Chestnut Grove Academy's Field Trip Friday and Life at Rossmont's Wordless (Wordy) Wednesday.
Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop
Wordless Wednesday at Life at Rossmont

God bless,

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