Tuesday 12 January 2016

K is for Kids Clothes: A Decluttering Project

We recently moved after selling our home. I quickly realized that we could no longer store all of our belongings at the new place so I've been decluttering AGAIN.

This week we brought all the KIDS clothing tubs inside to sort by size. I won't be having any babies any time in the near future, because I am divorced so it is time to "LET IT GO." I saved these clothes for years hoping to have a second child.

My prayer is that I will be able to sell everything quickly so that I can start a new project. I am pulling out only a few items attached to fond memories. I am a bit overwhelmed with this project, because this is just the tip of the iceberg and it's so hard to say goodbye. I know . . . it sounds silly but it is true. Wish me luck!

I will link this post up at Life at Rossmont's Wordless Wednesday. I will also link this post up for the "Letter K" Linky of Blogging Through the Alphabet at Through the Calm Through the Storm.

Wordless Wednesday at Life at Rossmont

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