Monday 25 January 2016

M is for Menu Plan Monday: Dinner Plans

This week on Blogging Through the Alphabet we are focusing on Letter M posts. I really need to get things back in order so I've decided to start meal planning again to help save money and time.

This week I'd like to share my Menu Plan Monday dinner plans. I like having a list when grocery shopping, because it keeps me focused and I'm less likely to splurge when I have one.

Menu Plan Monday for January 25th-30th

Sunday - Southwestern Chicken Fajita Bean Soup

Monday - Crispy Beef and Cheese Tacos and Italian Salad Kit

Tuesday - Crispy Beef and Cheese Tacos and Italian Salad Kit

Wednesday - Italian Sausage with Spinach Cheese Ravioli + Spinach Salad

Thursday -  Italian Sausage with Spinach Cheese Ravioli + Spinach Salad

Friday - Baked Chicken Breast, Au Gratin Potatoes, and Rosemary Asparagus

Saturday -  Chicken Breast, Au Gratin Potatoes, and Rosemary Asparagus

Sorry I don't have any interesting photos or website links this week. I am keeping things simple and quick. 

I will link this post up at Through the Calm and Through the Storm's Blogging Through the Alphabet Linky and Menu Plan Monday Linky at I'm an Organizing Junkie. Hoping I will have some time to check out new recipes before my next grocery store visit.

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