Monday 5 January 2015

Menu Plan Monday: January 5th, 2015

Wow . . . I can't believe it is already 2015! The new year has begun and I need to make drastic changes with regards to menu planning and my grocery budget in the near future.

Hoping I can stick to my menu plans this week with very few changes if any. Wednesdays are usually very busy. This week Alyssa has dance class and we need to buy groceries. Our fridge and pantry are empty after our two-week vacation. We are also going out on a mother-daughter date. 

Breakfast - Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
Lunch - Grilled Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches with Snap Peas 
Dinner - Hamburger Quiche 

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs + Cantaloupe with Nutella Toast 
Lunch - Tuna Cheese Melts with Mixed Veggies
Dinner - Hamburger Quiche and Green Beans (FREEZE leftovers)

Breakfast - Cereal and Fruit
Lunch -  Johnny Carino's Date + Almond Snack
Dinner - Turkey Sandwiches with Mixed Veggies (if hungry)

Breakfast - Yogurt Berry Banana Smoothies
Lunch - Chicken Salad Sandwich and Bell Pepper
Dinner -  Shrimp Fried Rice and Veggie Stirfry 

Breakfast - Banana Muffins + Fruit + Hardboiled Eggs
Lunch - Italian Meatball Wedding Soup and Spinach Salad  
Dinner - Summer's Birthday Party Dinner   

Breakfast -Blueberry Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes  
Lunch - Peanut Butter Honey Sandwiches with Carrots + Popcorn
Dinner - Shrimp Fried Rice and Veggie Stirfry

Breakfast - Cereal and Fruit
Lunch - Meatball Sandwich with Peas
Dinner - Baked Chicken with Parmesan Egg Noodles + Zucchini

I will link this post up at Menu Plan Monday.

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