Tuesday 27 January 2015

Menu Plan Monday: January 26th, 2015

Planning a menu is definitely helping me save money on groceries. Our plans last week moved around a bit, but the meals were mostly the same. It was a successful week!

I would still like to learn more about freezer cooking, saving money on groceries using coupons, and adding more variety to our meals. It is much harder planning a menu for only two people now with one of those individuals being a child.

Breakfast - Cereal and Banana
Lunch - Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches with Carrots
Dinner - Shrimp and Sausage Veggie Stirfry

Breakfast - Cereal and Fruit
Lunch - Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich + Carrots
Dinner - Shrimp and Sausage Veggie Stirfry 

Breakfast - Hardboiled Eggs + Fruit + Energy Balls
Lunch - Peanut Butter Honey Sandwiches + Bell Pepper
Dinner - Turkey Zucchini Burgers and Spinach Salad

Breakfast - Blueberry Lemon Pancakes + Hardboiled Eggs
Lunch - Tuna Cheese Melts + Sugar Snap Peas
Dinner - Turkey Burgers and Spinach Salad 

Breakfast - Yogurt Berry Smoothies + Rice Cake
Lunch - Egg Salad Sandwiches + Avocado
Dinner - Penne with Meat Sauce + Asparagus

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs + Toast + Kiwi   
Lunch - Ham and Cheese Ranch Wraps + Green Beans
Dinner -  Penne with Meat Sauce + Spinach Salad

Breakfast - Cereal and Fruit
Lunch - Chicken Salad Sandwiches + Celery
Dinner - Taco Soup + Cornbread

I will link this post up at Menu Plan Monday.

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